Welcome to the Walkers West Guest book.
Please sign here to send us your
and we will be pleased to add them here.
If you experience any problems with the site,
please contact the webmaster,
Bansidhe Graphics
Tired of looking at horses?

Check out the Walkers West Mini
Mall Village,
20+ stores for your shopping pleasure. |
Name: |
Gilchrist |
Email Address: |
n/a |
Country: |
Comments: |
Hey! This is Rebecca. I think your
website is really cool and im a big fan of Tennessee Walking Horses. |
June 29, 2004 |
Name: |
cheryl |
Email Address: |
alise1955@yahoo.com |
Country: |
Comments: |
looking at the breed |
June 19, 2004 |
Name: |
(Galindo) Simons |
Email Address: |
jlsimons@cooke.net |
Country: |
Comments: |
Mary Ellen, I happened across your
site. Am divorced from Brian Galindo, remarried and live in
Gainesville now. My mare that was first bred to Night Cap and
then to Warrior (Lady J.) died about a year ago at age 39, almost
40. It was her heart, and she was well and energetic till the
end. I still have her last foal, Warrior's Master J. and also
a grandson of Night Cap. Both such good boys. Am glad to see that
Walkers West is doing well and wish you my best. Connie Simons |
June 19, 2004 |
Name: |
Susan and
Paul Abraham |
Email Address: |
Sighthound@comcast.com or
RingmasterIGS@netscape.net |
Country: |
Comments: |
What a wonderful site you have.
I enjoyed it tremendously. I showed horses from the age of 7
to 17 years in Santa Barbara, California, and a gentleman from Texas
(Clark Sargeant) left me in charge of his TW to care for while he
went on a business trip. What a wonderful experience I had
with this beautiful white mare, Princess. Now fast forward many
years (I am not 60 YET) and I have not ridden in many years but
instead show dogs. However, I feel very strongly about having
a TWH of my own to love. My husband retires in two years and
we will be looking for land in the Midwest or Southern states.
Since I was almost killed in a horse accident at 17, I have not
ridden too much during the intervening years. However, I am
now determined to have a Walker as I have never forgotten that sweet
and gentle mare. Your selection was outstanding. My
favorite is #17 Desire's Top Gun - he's just magnificent. I
was an excellent rider but I want a child's horse with a sweet and
gentle nature and what better than a Walker. I would like to
visit with you someday and look at your beautiful TWHs and when the
time comes when we get the land, it will be the time to get my
horse. I miss riding tremendously. We are about to take
off on vacation the last part of July and will be in Ohio, Penn, New
Hampshire for dog shows and then on to my son's home in Boston.
We currently live in Fresno, CA. and we can get three times the land
for half the price somewhere else when we retire. I would
appreciate it if you could give me some sound advice on what to look
for in TWH's. Do any of the states we are visiting have
reputable TWHS? Thanks so much for your time and a big hug to
"Stormy". |
June 24, 2004 |
Name: |
Young |
Email Address: |
amanda_horselover@yahoo.com |
Country: |
Comments: |
Dear Walkers West,
I live about an hour from Shelbyville, Tn. I have a pleasure horse out
of a pusher mare and Coin's Hard Cash. He's Not ready to show yet.
Would you please send me a pic of Powder River? He's my fave horse!
Especially in pleasure divisions! I am 11 years old and i live in
Clarkrange, TN You might have heard of it. |
June 19, 2004 |
Name: |
Ayn Stamerjohn |
Email Address: |
caitystamerjohn@aol.com |
Country: |
Comments: |
I LOVE your horses!!!!!! |
June 19, 2004 |
Name: |
Buchanan |
Email Address: |
Country: |
Canada |
Comments: |
I found your site and it made me cry..
not in a bad way but a good one. I lost my horse 15 years ago and
well I still miss her so much that when I find a site well it brings
back all kinds of memories. I now work overseas but have now decided
it is time to stay home and begin yet another life, - they do say it
begins at 50! This time life will be the way it should be with my
love of horses especially Tennessee Walkers .. Thank you so much..
Debbie |
June 18, 2004 |
Name: |
Ryalls |
Email Address: |
Country: |
Canada |
Comments: |
Beautiful website. I own a
grandaughter of Motown's and she is absolutely beautiful. She has
his white star on her forehead and rest of her is totally black. I
am proud to know she comes from such a wonderful Stallion. |
June 7, 2004 |
Name: |
Barron |
Email Address: |
lorribarron@shol.com |
Country: |
Comments: |
Thank you! I've admired your site for
quite some time. You have beautiful horses. I will let you know when
I can buy one. When I am ready, I will do every thing I can to get
one from you. Your website is such a great tribute to the
breed.-Laura Barron |
June 16, 2004 |
Name: |
Carryn Lee |
Email Address: |
Country: |
Comments: |
I enjoyed your page. I currently have
a grandson of Merry Go Boy. He was foaled 1-3-77 and I still ride
him a bit. Don't know if you care about this but due to his age I
believe he is one of the most direct links to Merry Go Boy that is
still alive. His name is Go Boys Showcase. Again, enjoyed the pics
and info on Merry Go Boy. |
June 16, 2004 |
Name: |
Barron |
Email Address: |
lorribarron@hotmail.com |
Country: |
Comments: |
I just love your website. I want to
get a Tennessee Walker, but right now I have an Egyptian Arabian,
and my dad says that I can't have more than one horse at a time.
Anyway, you have some beautiful horses. I will keep looking in the
future. |
June 13, 2004 |
Name: |
Jaz |
Email Address: |
ilovehorses@excite.com |
Country: |
Comments: |
LOve your web site |
June 7, 2004 |
Name: |
Ngoy Steve |
Email Address: |
Country: |
Thailand |
Comments: |
I have been on this site and I have
finished it. |
June 11, 2004 |
Name: |
Amrani |
Email Address: |
jamrani@gardere.com |
Country: |
Germany |
Comments: |
Beautiful horses, enjoyed my visit to
your website! |
June 10, 2004 |
Name: |
Robbins |
Email Address: |
Country: |
Comments: |
Yours is a Dream site for me. I browse
often. I have a 7 y.o. TWHBEA mare.Do you know of any Riding
Instructor's who know Walkers/Gaits in the San Antonio area? I am
not knowledgeable enough to ride my mare to her potential.
K. Robbins |
June 9, 2004 |
Name: |
hemu |
Email Address: |
hemanth@soon.com |
Country: |
Canada |
Comments: |
the site gives the designer and the
owner a good relaxation when they read viewers comments. i like this
site. |
June 8, 2004 |
Name: |
Virginia |
Email Address: |
starrider01@peoplepc.com |
Country: |
Comments: |
You have a wonderful Website it is the
most informative and Thorough TWH webpage I've come across. Thank
You for sharing your wealth of information with the World. |
June 8, 2004 |
Name: |
Ramona |
Email Address: |
ramonarobertsson@horse-mail.com |
Country: |
Sweden |
Comments: |
Very nice homepage, lovely music and
hope your having a great foaling season there in the states. Here in
Sweden we are almost finished and going towards a very nice summer. |
June 8, 2004 |
Name: |
buss |
Email Address: |
n/a |
Country: |
Comments: |
I think this website is so fantastic.
Sorry 4 my typing. The horses are beautiful. The website is amazing.
your friend, Jessica Buss |
June 7, 2004 |
Name: |
Evans |
Email Address: |
bmxcrazies@hotmail.com |
Country: |
Comments: |
Hi, I really enjoy looking at your
website. I wanted to ask a question about Dark Spirit's Rebel. His
picture by Billie Nipper where can you get those? |
June 7, 2004 |
Name: |
moss |
Email Address: |
Remossmastec@aol |
Country: |
Comments: |
Hi my name is Heather Moss and My
Father has a Walking Horse stables here in Va. His name is Bobby
Moss. Well just wanted to say how Pretty your walkers were. Well
hope to see ya @ show 1 day. |
May 22, 2004 |
Name: |
Cindy Lynn |
Email Address: |
cindylynn@JIS.Nashville,org |
Country: |
Comments: |
Your web site is such a beautiful
tribute to Tennessee walkers |
May 21, 2004 |
Name: |
Cheryl |
Email Address: |
two.horses.lucky@shaw.ca |
Country: |
Canada |
Comments: |
I enjoyed the web site. Now I
know where my Smiley got his size, and good looks from. His
registered name is Final New York Handshaker, I just wish I could
have found out more about his sire. |
May 19, 2004 |
Name: |
Sidney Fee |
Email Address: |
sidneyfee@hotmail.com |
Country: |
Comments: |
This is the greatest site that I have
found yet. Keep up the good work. One day I will be purchasing a
horse from you. I cant wait!! |
May 19, 2004 |
Name: |
Trobaugh |
Email Address: |
lil_pooh_bear_lady@hotmail.com |
Country: |
Comments: |
We really like your website. It's a
great website and you
have a lot of amazing horses. |
May 18, 2004 |
Name: |
Jiminez |
Email Address: |
rednecksweetheart1980@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
My name is stephanie and i have had
the pleasure to visit your wonderful place with a lady name Loyce
Odom. I have also had the pleasure to work with her and her
walking horses. I was wondering if you might know where she is
now. I got to work with her and Roosters Equal Justice. I
wanted to know where he might be at, and if she still has Check
Mates Checker and Shameless. i call her my aunt Loyce and she always
spoke highly of you, and when i had the chance to see your place, i
could see why. i hope that you might be able to help me
out in any way if you could. thank you so much
Stephanie Jiminez |
May 15, 2004 |
Name: |
Email Address: |
calong@cox.net |
Comments: |
I really enjoyed your website.
Your horses are beautiful. I am the
current owner of an Arabian and Quarter horse, but I plan on
buying a gaited horse
in the next year or so. My girl friend will be purchasing one
sooner and has just
now started the search. Neither one of us has ever ridden a
gaited horse but because
of their popularity on the trails have decided that is what we want.
we live in the
Tulsa area and may plan a trip in the near future to come down and
look at your sale
horses. Thanks for sharing such a great site. Pat |
May 14, 2004 |
Name: |
Gail Dyson |
Email Address: |
gaildyson@yahoo.co.uk |
Comments: |
Amazing -what a wonderful site. Your
horses are in my dreams! I hope to purchase a TWH in the near
future and i hope you might be able to help me in my search. I
have three Arabian horses and a Hanoverian homebred filly but my
dream is to own a TWH! Regards to you all.
Gail Dyson. |
May 13, 2004 |
Name: |
ralph b |
Email Address: |
rrssbb56@optonline.net |
Comments: |
a great site to learn about horses |
May 09, 2004 |
Name: |
ray |
Email Address: |
wrayhowardatty@houston.rr.com |
Comments: |
I took off some time from work for the
first time in ten years. Went to
see a friend that was "supposed" to be dying from cancer. He was
grooming his
Tennessee Walker and I instantly fell in love with this breed. I
do not know much
about horses, but you can bet that I'll own one before the year is
out! |
May 07, 2004 |
Name: |
Mr. Clyde
Framis |
Email Address: |
clydeframis419@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Interesting site. Glad to see it. |
May 01, 2004 |
Name: |
Ragnhild |
Email Address: |
ragnhild_jol@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
I loved this site very much. I
especially loved the history about Midnight Sun because I have three
Icelandic horse by my self and Tennesse Walking Horse is very like
Icelandic horses. thank you for made this site. |
Apr. 27,
2004 |
Name: |
Crutcher |
Email Address: |
ariquez@united.net |
Comments: |
I really love your website. It is the
best one I have ever seen. I will tell everyone I know about. And I
will visit it as much as I can. You Have done your homework on the
breed. May God Be With You.
Rod |
Apr. 23,
2004 |
Name: |
Roberts Jercher |
Email Address: |
kristina.jercher@fuse.net |
Comments: |
I have a picture of myself and my
mother, Karen riding Bum's Warrior in the summer of '86 when I was
13! He was a very enjoyable horse to ride and I hope he lives
many more years to come. My mother and our palomino stallion,
Rain's Golden Shadow, both died in 2003. We both enjoyed our
visit to your farm! Best of luck to you, Mary Ellen! |
Apr. 22,
2004 |
Name: |
Bailey |
Email Address: |
hanie@iowasocean.com |
Comments: |
I loved your site, and I will be
looking at it many times over again! My mother just purchased a
Pride's Generator Stallion. Could you please let me know for sure if
I am reading the pedigree correctly? Was his sire Pride of Midnight?
Also do you have any idea where I might find any information on his
dam? Her name is Mark's Amazing Grace. Thanks so much for any help.
You have a wonderful site here and I will tell other lovers of
Walkers of it! Sincerely Walker Lover, Janie Bailey in Iowa |
20, 2004 |
Name: |
Gentert |
Email Address: |
gacmgentert@gtmc.net |
Comments: |
This website is awesome!! |
18, 2004 |
Name: |
Teague |
Email Address: |
stepabove19@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
Your web site is GREAT. |
13, 2004 |
Name: |
Miller |
Email Address: |
tctesa@bellsouth.net |
Comments: |
I really did enjoy looking at the
lovely breed of horses. I am also the owner of two beautiful horses,
but I always like looking at different breeds. you all have some
fine horses keep up the good work. J. Miller-Mendenhall MS. |
13, 2004 |
Name: |
brantley |
Email Address: |
sadyeb@bellsouth.com |
Comments: |
your horses are gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i wish i could get one. i have fallen in love with PUSHER LOOSE
CANNON. he is gorgeous. i have always wanted a horse but my dad does
not think i'm responsible enough. P.S. i love your website. |
13, 2004 |
Name: |
becca |
Email Address: |
barbarajackson@charter.net |
Comments: |
great website... i'll never get bored
of this !! i'm excited because a horse at my riding lessons has a
father named The Gold Rush Is On. My riding stable is called Golden
Gaits. |
9, 2004 |
Name: |
Morefield |
Email Address: |
smorefi44@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
I am the great, great grandson of
Nathan Boone, owner of Grey John. My grandmother was Alberta
(Landess Riegger) Wells of Fayetteville, Tennessee, daughter of May
(Boone) Landess, who was Nathan's daughter. I was born in
1944, and knew my great-grandmother early in my life. My
mother, still living, has a picture of Nathan on Grey John. I
enjoyed the write-up and pictures of Nathan. Grey John was his
pride and joy, at least by family legend. Nathan was a lieutenant in
the cavalry of the (now notorious) Nathan Bedford Forrest. For
a brief time, he commanded Forrest's honor guard. |
Apr. 5,
2004 |
Name: |
Bush |
Email Address: |
bush1@alink.com |
Comments: |
I am the proud owner Of Pusher's
Gambling man, a direct son of Pusher C. G. I purchased him
from Larry & Mary Pickhardt whom I feel honored and privileged
having made their acquaintances. By owning Pusher's Gambling Man, I
feel very close to the Pusher C. G., and appreciate his fine
breeding and background. The Pusher's colts are no doubt superior
stock. I only wish I could have had the honor of watching The Pusher
C. G. in the show ring when he became the World Grand Champion. This
site is a wonderful tribute to The Pusher C. G.!! |
Apr. 5,
2004 |
Name: |
Mandy |
Email Address: |
AmandaBehrens_7@msn.com |
Comments: |
I really like your horses and I really
want one of them, but the problem is they're to far from my place |
Apr. 4,
2004 |
Name: |
pauslon |
Email Address: |
sneakydeezy@aol.com |
Comments: |
dear walkers west,
I have a question that has puzzled me for a long while that you may be
able to answer, you being an expert and all. I have a mare Pride's
Secret Chance and on her pedigree it says she is a grandchild of a
stallion Hill's
Perfection H. Is that the same Hill's Perfection that is
on your famous horse page? I would appreciate it entirely if you
could answer! I adore your site as well! It's the best the walking
horse industry has to offer!
thanks a million,
Elise P. |
31, 2004 |
Name: |
mauricio |
Email Address: |
blurancher@adelphia.net |
Comments: |
I love the horses you have for sale
especially ,the one "I believe" was named sky blue. My nickname is
Skye. nice website. |
31, 2004 |
Name: |
Brenda |
Email Address: |
brenstan65@cox.net |
Comments: |
Hi there from Virginia Beach, VA!!!
My dad sent me a link to your site and I have been checking it out and
will have to visit again soon!!! I have been checking
out lots of sites lately and yours is by far the most well organized
and creative I have seen yet!!! Great job! Somebody
really knows their stuff! I have thoroughly enjoyed it and
will recommend it to others!
I had two walking horses up in
Maine as a young teenager and my brother and I showed them all over.
This was back in the early 80's when almost nobody up north had
walkers or wanted them around because they thought anyone who owned
one was soring them up and that it was unnatural! I rode with
pride and in comfort while giggling at others who had to post
everywhere or get their brains scrambled--around all the show
grounds with every head turning and wondering what my pretty big
black mare was doing!!! It was lots of fun! Lots of ribbons and
trophies to show for it!!! Raising 3 little children and being
married to a Navy man for the last 20 years hasn't been conducive to
having horses but the time is quickly approaching when I will be
looking for another beautiful, comfy TWH!!!!!!! I can't
My 12 yr old daughter is now
interested in taking lessons and I sure wish I could find a walking
horse barn nearby!!! We may need to purchasing our own and
look into boarding somewhere instead and I will teach her myself.
Your site has inspired me to ride again!!! That's a great
thing!!! Thank you!!! Brenda (any correspondence
should have "TWH" in the subject line or I may erase it before
opening due to risk of viruses) |
26, 2004 |
Name: |
sher |
Email Address: |
otter-w@msn.com |
Comments: |
Your site is trying informative, and
great fun to horse around with. A buyer I would be if your
weren't so far from me... Rusty's Masterpiece and Cotton are the
tops in my book. I'll be back for the pure enjoyment! |
22, 2004 |
Name: |
Karaszewski |
Email Address: |
Fulfilled70ad@aol.com |
Comments: |
Was happy to find a spot on Prides
Generator, for I am the Proud Owner of a Grandson (Little Man's
Generator, Reg. Number 9712102) Living in Southern California. |
22, 2004 |
Name: |
Hart |
Email Address: |
RochelleHrt@aol.com |
Comments: |
I have been involved in TWH for 30
years. Unfortunately I no longer have horses, but thankfully
have friends who do and I still get to ride. I enjoyed you
site. Thanks - Rochelle |
21, 2004 |
Name: |
Gale Swift |
Email Address: |
wildfire2002@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
I just wanted to take the time to say
that I just love your website & of course your horses!! This
is a very informative website and I tell everyone I know to come
here for accurate information about the Tennessee Walking Horse.
Take care and God Bless!! |
21, 2004 |
Name: |
Jessica |
Email Address: |
cisco_kid135@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
Hello! I have been riding for 11
years now (hunter/jumpers) and have always admired the beauty of the
TW's. Because of your beautiful horses on the website, I think
I am going to go to the Tennessee Walker barn in my county (Red Fox
Stables) to see the Walking Horse Exhibition. Great
site...Happy Trails! |
Mar. 17,
2004 |
Name: |
Taylor |
Email Address: |
Comments: |
Your site is amazing! I did not know
all the great blood my horse had! |
Mar. 15,
2004 |
Name: |
Baxter |
Email Address: |
pbb1sg@earthlink.net |
Comments: |
Good day;
You have an awesome website. I love your beautiful horses. I enjoy your
music. Hope you keep up the good work. Enjoy the day. Nicki |
Mar. 14,
2004 |
Name: |
Brush |
Email Address: |
Trailsendminis45@aol.com |
Comments: |
You have the best web page for the
Tennessee Walking
Horse i have ever seen.
i enjoyed it very much.
you have done a lot of work looking up all the horses history.
keep up the good work. thank you,
judith |
Mar. 12,
2004 |
Name: |
Lanier |
Email Address: |
blanier@fayelectric.com |
Comments: |
Nice site! The Tennessee walking horse
is a breed that has not reached its potential.
It started off with a great bang in the beginning and has whimpered
down. There needs to be a revolution in the walking horse breeding
program. Read a book about
Gregor Mendel and genetics. Breed a horse with longer front legs
so they can walk like people want them to instead of using methods
like soring and massive built up shoes. It will bring back the
interest and combat the bad publicity of recent years. Can we not
see this is possible by looking at how cattle, hogs and chickens
have been modified genetically to be what is desired? There is no
reason to resort to "cheating" to get what we want. Lets use our
brains to breed a better walking horse that is truly the show horse
of America!! Bobby Lanier |
Mar. 10,
2004 |
Name: |
Bowman |
Email Address: |
triplebstables@charter.net |
Comments: |
All I can say is What a great web site
Thanks for the memories of the great ones. |
Mar. 8,
2004 |
Name: |
Evans |
Email Address: |
bmxcrazies@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
I think your website is great.
what are your stallions names? i may
know them thank you!!!! |
Mar. 7,
2004 |
Name: |
Reinbold |
Email Address: |
reinbold@net-link.net |
Comments: |
Hi- I'm looking for a horse I can ride
again at 55 years old!! I use to
ride all the time! But Hubby and kid's- got to me! Plus
a wreck on a horse! Thank you for
your time!
Diana |
Mar. 6,
2004 |
Name: |
Barker |
Email Address: |
mixedlab@aol.com |
Comments: |
I loved the virtual tour. I ride a
Tennesse Walking gelding.
He is the greatest. He belongs to my riding buddy. I also owned
quarter type horses, but I am slowly converting to Tennessee Walking
horse. |
Mar. 6,
2004 |
Name: |
Huddleston |
Email Address: |
not available |
Comments: |
Dear Mary Ellen,
I bet you remember me! It's me Amber
Huddleston. I have been to your barn before and my favorite three
horses there are Bum's Warrior, Powder
(even though he's in Tennessee), and
The Gold Rush Is On!! Well I have been real busy with activities and
I plan to come by soon and see all the new horses you have for sale
with my sister, Brittany. Well just out of
curiosity I wanted to know if you are going to be at the next
horseshow in Marshall. Well I gotta go
because I'm running out of room but I will see you soon.
Amber Huddleston |
Mar. 1,
2004 |
Name: |
Saner |
Email Address: |
sanerent@wyoming.com |
Comments: |
Loved the puzzle pages! I sell spotted
saddle horses and have a client looking for a b&w gelding well
broke. I also have my home and barn for sale and was wondering if
you might put it on your site? Please contact me at
sanerent@wyoming.com if you can help! Thanks!! Karen Saner |
Feb 29, 2004 |
Name: |
Cowgirl |
Email Address: |
Valleyviewfarm@kfbol.com |
Comments: |
I really love your site! I love horses
in general! Keep up the good work! 8) |
Feb 25, 2004 |
Name: |
MaryAnn |
Email Address: |
scbmab@adelphia.net |
Comments: |
You have some beautiful horses.
Mary Ann |
Feb 24, 2004 |
Name: |
Hegedus |
Email Address: |
soccertigger10@aol.com |
Comments: |
Dear Mary,
After the death of our mare Magic, we went out and bought a new horse
named Lace's Prissy Pride. After looking at her pedigree, we found
out that she is the grand daughter of your
stallion The Gold Rush Is On. She looks a
lot like him, and we may bring her up this spring to breed to one of
your other stallions.
Just thought that i should let you know.
Love your friend,
Laura |
Feb 21, 2004 |
Name: |
Burkman |
Email Address: |
ppafc@webtv.net |
Comments: |
site, will be back often to learn more.
Thanks |
Feb 16, 2004 |
Name: |
Theaker |
Email Address: |
hlt320@earthlink.net |
Comments: |
I love this site. It has to be my
favorite horse site out. You have some of the most beautiful horses
I have ever saw. I live in Ohio and we have a small stable with
about 30 head. I believe we have about 3 or 4 walkers in the barn. I
would have to say that the walker is my favorite horse. They are so
graceful and just a lovely animal to watch in motion. I just wanted
to say thank you for all of the information that your site puts out
I enjoy reading it often. |
Feb 14, 2004 |
Name: |
Petzold |
Email Address: |
superstar_1990_@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
Nice web site i enjoyed visiting it
thank you see ya later |
Feb 13, 2004 |
Name: |
lingefelt |
Email Address: |
dallasrider66@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
you have beautiful horses.
i believe you are very dedicated to your
horses. i am a very horse crazy person.
i do not have a horse or horses because of
where i live. i live around a city
like area. if i had the money i would probably
get a horse and board it but my
parents do not like horses,. so that's
another thing standing in my way of getting a
horse but you breed very nice looking horses. on a scale 1 to 10 your
horses would
get a ten. |
Feb 11, 2004 |
Name: |
Karen and
Dale Barnette |
Email Address: |
kdtbarn@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
This is the most enjoyable website we
have visited. We loved the tour of the barn, pictures and
history of the horses. Love the music selections! |
Feb 7, 2004 |
Name: |
McMullen (Doll) |
Email Address: |
hawkeyerenee49@aol.com |
Comments: |
Looking for Billy Ray McPerson,
(trainer ) once friend and trainer for Dutch Doll . I am moving to
TN and would like to look him and his wife Peggy up. Nice website !!
Thanks for any help. |
Feb 6, 2004 |
Name: |
Oliver |
Email Address: |
aoliver@arkansas.net |
Comments: |
I am the owner of Tomcat Special Lady
which is the granddaughter of Shaker's Shocker. Anyone with any
information about any of her colts that she had before I became her
owner, please email me. |
Feb 4, 2004 |
Name: |
Mewbourn |
Email Address: |
flash3471@alltel.net |
Comments: |
you really have some super nice
looking horses |
Feb 1, 2004 |
Name: |
Russell |
Email Address: |
stingray615@juno.com |
Comments: |
You have a really nice website, thanks
so much, its refreshing to see a site so dedicated to the breed.
You'll always have friends in Colorado! |
Jan 30, 2004 |
Name: |
Paulson |
Email Address: |
sneakydeezy@aol.com |
Comments: |
I have visited your site uncountable
times and I always get a good feeling from it. All your horses are
so pretty and your stallions sensational. In fact, I am seriously
thinking on breeding my five year old chestnut mare with a white
mane and tail to The Gold Rush Is On sometime this spring. I wanted
to ask you if their was a web site of the ranch where Powder River
is at now and if you were planning on getting a new stallion to
replace him. Thanks!
Elise |
Jan 30, 2004 |
Name: |
Ann Hunt |
Email Address: |
Plantationtwh06@aol.com |
Comments: |
I have always loved this site! |
Jan 28, 2004 |
Name: |
Robert &
Pamela |
Email Address: |
Comments: |
Hi there-
We are desperately looking for some Tennessee Walkers. We just cannot
seem to find enough about these beautiful horses and are really
trying to find people who can give us some insight and more info on
them. We are really wanting to find a link to where they sell them
only but cannot find the web site that we used to have. Seems like
nobody can provide that any longer. Can you help? |
Jan 27, 2004 |
Name: |
Whitaker |
Email Address: |
Comments: |
I love your website, even though I am
not a big Walking Horse fan. I didn't realize until I looked at
Powder River's page that Howard and Lauren Hamilton in Tennessee
have gotten to associate with him. I am a friend of theirs. Mr.
Howard is a very good trainer. I know that he trained him well and
that Lauren did great in the shows. -Anna Whitaker, from Tennessee |
Jan 25, 2004 |
Name: |
Vivian |
Email Address: |
spotsRsmooth@aol.com |
Comments: |
Well, my carpet is soaked from
drooling over your gorgeous horses. I don't suppose you're looking
for someone to help around the place? I'm very willing to relocate
as long as I can bring my dogs, birds, gelding and husband. Or if
you want you could just adopt me. I promise I'll clean my room and
eat all my veggies. :) |
Jan 24, 2004 |
Name: |
copley |
Email Address: |
amandacopley@mail.com |
Comments: |
Prides Generator was the best.
Enjoyed your site. |
Jan 23, 2004 |
Name: |
Janina und
Nadja |
Email Address: |
@yahoo.de |
Comments: |
Hey what´s up? Nice webside. Bye. |
Jan 23, 2004 |
Name: |
Email Address: |
mail: ----- |
Comments: |
You've got beautiful horses especially
Cotton and Bum's
Warrior. I love
the color of Paint's Cotton.
Just gorgeous. |
Jan 20, 2004 |
Name: |
Shelton (Nichols) |
Email Address: |
Mytime156@AOL.COM |
Comments: |
Hi! I was surfing the web and came
across your web site. It is really fun
going through the barn, it makes me want to buy another Walking
horse. It was
great seeing the picture of you and Carol! Boy it brings back
some great memories.
Hope you all are doing well, I would love to here from you and I will
try to stop by
soon. I have moved to Forney and love it. Best of
Love Lorrie |
Jan 20, 2004 |
Name: |
KC |
Email Address: |
booooto@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
I can't make it to your ranch as often
as I'd like so I look at the site regularly to keep informed, as
always it hasn't disappointed me. Everything still looks
great, but where is Doug?
Take care...
KC |
Jan 20, 2004 |
Name: |
Fellers |
Email Address: |
cfellers@fellersbarnoneranch.com |
Comments: |
Thank you for all your hard work and
creating such an informative and fun site!!! Your
horses are magnificent!
Would love for you to visit us at Fellers
barn! |
Jan 19, 2004 |
Name: |
Storey |
Email Address: |
faithisan@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
You have very beautiful horse and a
beautiful ranch.
God Bless,
Faith Storey |
Jan 15, 2004 |
Name: |
Email Address: |
frecklechic@msn.com |
Comments: |
I just wanted to comment on how
beautiful your TWH are. My mother has 10 TWH's. We adore them!! I
will soon have some of my own, after I finish college. I am studying
to become a Veterinary Technician. Again beautiful horses!! |
Jan 15, 2004 |
Name: |
Mahaffey |
Email Address: |
bn.sk.mahaffey@att.net |
Comments: |
Beautiful webpage and beautiful horses.
'The Gold Rush Is On' is absolutely magnificent. Thank your for the
pictures. |
Jan 15, 2004 |
Name: |
Hannah |
Email Address: |
Whydouwant2no@woh.rr.com |
Comments: |
I really like your horses! They're so
pretty! |
Jan 08, 2004 |
Name: |
guinn |
Email Address: |
wguinn911@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
loved your site I am just getting
into the magic of Tennessee Walkers .
I now have two of my own and love
them. |
Jan 07, 2004 |
Name: |
jesus |
Email Address: |
jepachst@netscape.net |
Comments: |
i like very much these horses, i am
interested on a mare, preferable solid black color. please send me
pictures if you have any new horses.
thank you |
Jan 07, 2004 |
Name: |
Dee |
Email Address: |
royismyman@aol.com |
Comments: |
Hello. I own a few of my own walking
horses and I just wanted to let you know how much I loved your site!
It is packed with information on just about everything you need to
know about the walking horse breed. Two thumbs up! All of your studs
are fabulous. If I am ever bored I know where to go, WALKERS WEST!
Dee Martin
P.S. Who is your favorite World Grand
Champion within the past 10 years? I'd like to know if you don't
mind. Thanks a million! |
Jan 06, 2004 |
Name: |
Email Address: |
duck_butter1989@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
your site is realy great. |
Jan 06, 2004 |
Name: |
victoria |
Email Address: |
v_bennett_03@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
i love your website
i want to breed my spotted mare to powder river either this year or in
best wishes |
Jan 05, 2004 |
Name: |
Angie |
Email Address: |
horsedogb@aol.com |
Comments: |
good looking horses |
Jan 04, 2004 |
Name: |
Hegedus |
Email Address: |
Soccertigger10@aol.com |
Comments: |
Dear Mary,
Thank you so much for letting me see your stallions and ride Cimmaron.
I definatly think we will be breeding to Bums Warrior this spring.
Laura Hegedus |
Jan 03, 2004 |
Name: |
Weinberg |
Email Address: |
Comments: |
I don't remember how many times I have
come to this beautiful site to admire such awesome looking horses. I
just recently got into the Walker business (riding) and I'm totally
in love with the breed. My 14 year old gelding is the best horse
I've owned. I can do ANYTHING with him and he never bulks. My friend
that has Walkers also has been to your website and she really
enjoyed it. Thanks for all the information and wonderful
horses to look at! Have a Happy New year and God bless!! |
Jan 01, 2004 |
Name: |
Lockhart |
Email Address: |
lkhart@dtccom.net |
Comments: |
Thank you for a lovely visit. This
is the most well planned web site,
generating both excitement and charm for both amateur horse people and
old breeders alike. What a treat! |
Jan 01, 2004 |
Name: |
Bennett |
Email Address: |
kevin34@charter.net |
Comments: |
I enjoyed looking at your web site.
You have some beautiful horses. I love to buy three of your
horses someday. Right now I'm Having work done to my land and my
colt is at my fathers house. well got to go.
Tracy |
Jan 01, 2004 |
Name: |
Damron |
Email Address: |
adamron@ls.net |
Comments: |
Great web page.
I am looking for info on R. F. & Mary Faye
& their son Jimmy of Orrville Ala. Did thy NOT have horses,
Mary Little Lady & Mr. Freewheeler ?
I would love any help anyone can give me.
God Bless, Allen Damron |
Jan 01, 2004 |
Name: |
Barbi Stapleton |
Email Address: |
barbi.stapleton@cor.gov |
Comments: |
Stunning!! My husband and I are both
retiring from Police work during this year, and will be building
on our 5 ac. site near Tyler, Tx, at Stallion Lake Ranch (go to
the web and take a look - type it in as one word). My last
horse, whom I sadly had to sell about 12 years ago, was a very
large bay TWH fellow named Rusty. I adored him. I am
trying to decide if another TWH is in my future!! I will
keep you in mind! |
Jan 10/2003 |
Name: |
Email Address: |
Comments: |
RELATED.!!!!!!!! |
Jan 09/2003 |
Name: |
stacy vissing |
Email Address: |
vissinginc.@aol.com |
Comments: |
just wanted to say i enjoyed your program very
much. would like to learn the basics of how to be a good
rider and enjoy riding the horse. |
Jan 01/2003 |
Name: |
Nancy O'Neill |
Email Address: |
nancyo17@cs.com |
Comments: |
Happy, Blessed New Year one and all!
Hi. I'm friend of Maija Finn (and Sirena). She
highly recommended that I visit your website, and contact you.
My heart's desire is to have my own horse, now a realistic
possibility with stable here at Leisure World where I live.
Have never ridden a Walker, but because I want safe, lovable
mount, am 72yrs, many horsey friends agree with such a choice.
Also realistic: money. Am retired, single; hoping
for older horse, perhaps one needing good, save, happy home
which I can assure.
I'll appreciate your honest recommendation, and look forward to
hearing from you. Your website is beautiful -
Nancy |
Dec 31/
Name: |
Cynthia Stairs Strawser |
Email Address: |
TwoUnited@aol.com |
Comments: |
Very nice site. I love my TWH!!! Love
learning more about the breed. |
Dec 30/
Name: |
Gretchen Ross |
Email Address: |
markpriscilla@cartertn.net |
Comments: |
Hi, my name is Gretchen and I love horses. I am 8
old and I take riding lessons in Maryville Tennessee.
I like the horses that you have. My favorite is one of
the black and white spotted ones, they are really pretty.
By for now.
Love, Gretchen |
Dec 29/
Name: |
teresa wilson |
Email Address: |
horsebarn@charter.com |
Comments: |
mary ellen i love your sit. i found it last
night and here i am again today. i love Tenn., walking
horses. yours are gorgeous! i have three geldings.
i do some showing. i have only been in the horse world for
about three years and i am 37. i will have horses in my
life. thanks your info is useful teresa eubank,ky. |
Dec 28/
Name: |
Helen Bailey |
Email Address: |
jwbheb@attbi.com |
Comments: |
Your horses look great! And your website is easy to
look through. Congratulations! |
Dec 28/
Name: |
teresa wilson |
Email Address: |
horsebarn@charter.net |
Comments: |
your site is the VERY best. it is great.
i will visit it often. i have twh and love them.
your horses are incredible. thanks
teresa |
Dec 27/
Name: |
Email Address: |
Comments: |
FAB!!!!! |
Dec 21/
Name: |
julieann |
Email Address: |
julieann@ofir.dk and
lunajensen@jubiimail.dk |
Comments: |
hello i dont think i can come to dallas or taxas i live
in denmark but i will whit my friends luna and julie.. we love
tenessee walking horse we love them all 3.. bye bye i will come
and see your site more hafe you riding on powder river?? i love
him... from luna and julieann |
Dec 21/
Name: |
from Denmark |
Email Address: |
lunajensen@jubiimail.dk |
Comments: |
Hey... You have a lot of beautyfull horses, and my
favorit horse is Powder River and Tennessee walking horses.. I
love them. Luna 12 year... |
Dec 21/
Name: |
julieann |
Email Address: |
julieann@ofir.dk |
Comments: |
your horses are very beautiful and i like this home
page. how did you make this site?? from julieann benn |
Dec 20/
Name: |
Brittany Baggett |
Email Address: |
b_desi@bellshouth.net |
Comments: |
I really enjoyed your website and all of the horses.
keep up the fun! |
Dec 20/
Name: |
Terri Mathes |
Email Address: |
terri@momsforlife.com |
Comments: |
I love your website! My husband and I have Tennessee
Walking Horses and a Racking horse. Am looking for one for my
daughter. Will keep you in mind. |
Dec 17/
Name: |
Nancy Scott |
Email Address: |
nscott@christopherandbanks.com |
Comments: |
Mary Ellen, how do you do this???? What a nice trip
through your "other life". Best wishes to you and your beautiful
ranch. |
Dec 17/
Name: |
Suzanne Johnson |
Email Address: |
SuzTwoB@aol.com |
Comments: |
I just want to say how absolutely striking Powder
River is. I can stare at him all day. The markings
are placed just perfectly and I would love to have a nice mare
bred to him. I hope to have another nice mare soon so I
can get a nice show prospect or heck just a nice horse all
around. My beloved TWH mare passed away last year at age
25 +. (a rescue horse) If she was younger and still
alive she would have made a good match.
I enjoy TWH the most out all the breeds and like working with
them as well. You have a nice group of horses. I
live about 1 hr and 20 min from Moorehead and might, one day, go
see Powder River if he is still standing there. |
Dec 11/
Name: |
Marie |
Email Address: |
JockeyGrl12@aol.com |
Comments: |
I LOVE your site! The music on Delight
Bummin Around's page fits the page SOO Well! I sometimes
go to the site and go to his page just to listen to the music!
I love Bum's Warrior! I live in Texas too! I wish I
could visit sometime! |
Dec 10/
Name: |
diane bullock |
Email Address: |
nannahere@aol |
Comments: |
by far the best site i have been to! gorgeous
i'll be back. thank you for a wonderful viewing experience. |
Dec 09/
Name: |
Tonya (twhlover17) |
Email Address: |
Christianpal3676@aol.com |
Comments: |
I love this site. I really love reading about all
the legends and world champions. I am 17 now and all my life I
have been around Tennessee Walking Horses. I love the breed.
It's the only kind of horse I would have. I started riding them
when I was about 3 or 4 yrs. old. I would ride with my mom and
then when I got about 5 or 6, I would ride them by my self. I
guess you could say I connected with them. That's why I love
your web site. Now I have one of my own. He is a handsome, very
big, solid white gelding. |
Dec 05/
Name: |
Email Address: |
dalbett@baldwin-telecom.net |
Comments: |
Dec 02/
Name: |
arean |
Email Address: |
frootloop_funk@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
i love this site!! horses r my life!! i hope to
buy another horse from this sight!! thanks alot for every
thing!! |
Dec 02/
Name: |
and Celia Stuart |
Email Address: |
CCStuart@skybest.com |
Comments: |
WE enjoy your web site very much. We love
to try to figure out the music titles. You have beautiful horses
also. We also have 10 Walking horses. |
Nov 29/
Name: |
Stephanie Frank |
Email Address: |
barrel_racer1@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
Your website was excellent, I love all your
palomino's. We used to have a Palomino Breeding Stock
Paint, but we had to sell her so I could get a riding horse for
fair. We have TWHs too. I think we have six,
but it might be five. We also have some Quarter horses for
our friends to ride and I have an Arabian/Paint Cross who is
very beautiful. My uncle is Don Frank. His walking horse
stallion is named A Major Milestone, aka Miles. I got to ride
him and he is an awesome stallion, he is only three and he lets
novice riders ride him all the time. Thanx for sharing your
website with me! |
Nov 29/
Name: |
lisa |
Email Address: |
horselover_162@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
I really liked this site and i liked the idea of
having a barn and the horses and even the ones that passed away.
I really want a horse but me and my mom never found the
right one and i might wait till i am 13 or older to get a horse
but i still want one now! Your horses are very beautiful. (i
think i spelt that wrong) |
Nov 29/
Name: |
christina yunck |
Email Address: |
yunchristina@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
what a treat to see this site. I had the fortune
to attend part of the celebration this summer 2002. i
stopped at the Calloway farm [ not knowing who they were] and
watched some training, Rebel's gravesite and another farm where
a youth rider and Collectors Mindy were. The TWH breed is so
gentle and i love watching the movement. I had a Morgan as
a child he lived to be 27. a great horse he talked
to me and my mother said i was nuts... but i know you understand
what i mean. if i ever get to your neck of the woods i
will come by. |
Nov 17/
Name: |
christina |
Email Address: |
christinaey1948@earthlink.net |
Comments: |
this is nearly as good at my being at the
celebration summer 2002 and visit to the calloway stables
nearer too!! |
Nov 16/
Name: |
Suzanne Puglia |
Email Address: |
dbldream@earthlink.net |
Comments: |
You have a GREAT web site. When I come and
visit Texas, I hope to drop by and see your great facility. We
have six Tennessee walkers ourselves. |
Nov 15/
Name: |
Carol Young |
Email Address: |
ridinghigh2day@msn.com |
Comments: |
I love your site. I could spend even more
hours looking at it. I found a picture of Prides
Hallelujah, which I have one of his direct sons.
Hallelujah Express. I was pleased to be able to see that.
I also have 3 mares and 1 filly. We enjoy everyone of
Thank you for your site. |
Nov 12/
Name: |
joe |
Email Address: |
djc1@netburner.net |
Comments: |
your site is my favorite site to check for new
colts. you have some very beautiful stallions. keep up the good
work. |
Nov 07/
Name: |
annie |
Email Address: |
thestudio@acadia.net |
Comments: |
I've been in love with Tennessee Walkers since riding in
college. I am now reading everything available in order to
make informed decisions on their care. I am a beginner at
all of this and can't wait. I am at the moment in
negotiations for 60 acres of pasture and 100 acres of woods in
coastal Maine. I will be looking for info on how to set up
barns, etc. any advice?? I don't know that I will
breed this horse, but I certainly intend to enjoy them.
My mother described to me a beautiful walking horse which she
rode to her wedding in western Virginia near the turn of the
century. I'll bet it was related to these beauties.
thanks. |
Nov 07/ |
Name: |
Chuck Lofton |
Email Address: |
chuckielee27@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
I am located in Southern Illinois, Mt. Carmel. I
love WalkersWest.com It is a wonderful TWH site. Thanks a
lot. Chuck Lofton |
Nov 01/
Name: |
Cathy Boyd |
Email Address: |
boydc@mtnbrook.org |
Comments: |
enjoyed your website. It has a lot of good information. |
Oct 31/
Name: |
Jim and Rosemary Jeffery |
Email Address: |
sgfla@direcway.com |
Comments: |
This is a fantastic website! It's easy to
see why people spend an average of 317 minutes on it. |
Oct 27/
Name: |
Email Address: |
Comments: |
Oct 26/
Name: |
Kate |
Email Address: |
skyyblue2709@comcast.net |
Comments: |
I love your site. I have a Tennessee Walking Horse who
is still in training. |
Oct 24/
Name: |
Reginald Smith |
Email Address: |
rtsmith3434@aol.com |
Comments: |
Doug, I wanted to say, thank you for the time and
energy you spent on educating me on the TN walkers . I really
look forward speaking with you again and possibly working with
you in training my next horse . You are a true professional!
Oct 24/
Name: |
jack mcdermott |
Email Address: |
powerstroke2@earthlink.net |
Comments: |
enjoyed the ride. wanted to show a friend,
who has a bum's delight horse, your
Bum's Warrior. |
Oct 19/
Name: |
Jenny |
Email Address: |
icehorse@online.no |
Comments: |
Nice homepage. Cool music. How long have you been
working with these horse???
There really cool!!!! |
Oct 19/
Name: |
Email Address: |
Comments: |
I was at your farm about two years ago with my
brother. The pleasure of meeting Doug was great!! My
goal is to start raising TWH's. My dad raised TWH's when I
was a child up until I was about 14. I am looking for tips
on how to get started. I though, by me being a woman, this
would not be so easy, but after looking at your website, my
hopes and dreams look as if they can be achieved. Can you
give me some tips? thank you. |
Oct 16/
Name: |
Sammy Ray |
Email Address: |
showtime55@msn.com |
Comments: |
You site is wonderful!!! I love the quality
photos and how well organized everything is. My horse is a
grandson of Pusher CG. It was wonderful to actually see and
trace his mother and father's bloodline via your site. Both of
his grandsire's were World Grand Champions - Triple Threat and
Pusher CG!!! |
Oct 14/ |
Name: |
April Lane |
Email Address: |
Chapparel165@aol.com |
Comments: |
Absolutely Terrific Website!!!! You should
see me. I am up to my neck in horse papers all over the
desk just reading my heart out after 12 midnight! I really
love all the work you have done and you have contributed so much
to the walking horse community. I have waited years to
find a site like yours. Thank you from the bottom of my
heart! Keep up the terrific work! |
Oct 13/
Name: |
Cindy Talbott |
Email Address: |
pearl45013@aol.com |
Comments: |
Beautiful Horses! Would love to
own another Tennessee walker! Owned a stallion named top of
midnight a long time ago. they are the best! |
Oct 1/
Name: |
Email Address: |
bevantrade@aol.com |
Comments: |
Oct 2/
Name: |
Suzanne Knetsch |
Email Address: |
Comments: |
Hi there, i really like your
website. It's one of the best site's on the internet.
I visit it every day to see of there are any updates.
Greets! Suzan |
Sept 26/
Name: |
Gretchen Mayo |
Email Address: |
Mayo_W@msn.com |
Comments: |
Hi, I really enjoyed the web
site. I got so home sick. Thanks, XXOOXX Gretchen |
Sept 23/
Name: |
Teresa |
Email Address: |
leonna@inthehills.com |
Comments: |
22/ |
Name: |
ray johnston |
Email Address: |
Rayjohnston@aol.com |
Comments: |
thanks for having a web site this
nice to look at very nice and fine horses. i have 2
walkers and enjoy them very much. thanks again |
18/ |
Name: |
Terri Caradine |
Email Address: |
tcararn@aol.com |
Comments: |
Great Site!!! |
15/ |
Name: |
Madalyn Ward, DVM |
Email Address: |
link@holistichorsekeeping.com |
Comments: |
Love this site - thanks for collecting
all these unique links and sources of info in one place. You
might also be interested in my site, Holistic Horsekeeping. It's
filled with free holistic healthcare resources for horse and
mule owners. Sincerely, Madalyn Ward, DVM |
13/ |
Name: |
Stephanie |
Email Address: |
stephiesr99@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
I think this is the BEST walking
horse web page that I have ever seen! I look here every time I
get on the computer just to see if there is anything new, or
anything that I missed the time before, and most of the time
there is!! |
12/ |
Name: |
Melissa H. |
Email Address: |
hingstrum@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
We bought Coal Black Mack from
Walker West several months ago. He has been a real joy and a
quick part of the family. He walks like silk, and is a real
steady horse. Not a lot has spooked him even night rides or my
four year old daughter. Thanks to you and
Palmer House for an awesome horse to ride the trails and the
neighborhood roads.
Melissa |
Sept 09/
Name: |
Ray Brixius |
Email Address: |
brixius@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
Nice Web Site, am impressed with your
knowledge. I just purchased my first Tennesse Walker and
was wondering what type of bit I should use. I am a trail
rider and this horse is not a nervous horse, very bomb proof.
I was looking at a Reinsman D & L Reiner bit with 8" cheeks. |
Sept 08/
Name: |
Charles D. Smith |
Email Address: |
foxtrotter911@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Hello How are you? I'm from
El dorado AR. I love your web page. I have a very
beautiful 2 yr gold champagne stud out of Last Chance and
Midnight Sun and 4 more nice walkers. How much are
your palomino weanlings and what's good for mane growth? I
have a horse that had a fly rash and I roached the mane. |
Sept 06/
Name: |
Kriste Lawson Dibrell |
Email Address: |
sldib@blomand.net |
Comments: |
Thank you for such a wonderful
experience! Being able to relive moments of the
celebration, which are some of my fondest memories growing up.
I especially enjoyed the tribute to Dark Spirits Rebel. I
had chills reading this. It was as though I was there again. The
crowd roaring, It was unbelievable.
Keep up the great work !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
K. L. Dibrell |
Sept 04/
Name: |
Katy Stella |
Email Address: |
ktlah@aol.com |
Comments: |
Best site I've seen. Beautiful horses. |
Sept 02/ |
Name: |
Steven Reynolds |
Email Address: |
tnstang40@aol.com |
Comments: |
I have enjoyed your web site very
much. Especially the history of Midnight Sun - Merry Go
Boy you have the best web site I have seen... |
Sept 01/ |
Name: |
Jan Foreman |
Email Address: |
jforeman@sulphur.k12.ok.us |
Comments: |
I enjoyed touring your wonderful
site and "meeting" your horses. Although I have ridden all
of my life, my experience has been aboard American Quarter
Horses. About three years ago, my husband and I purchased
our first TWH, and we love him! As a result, i am trying to
learn more about this marvelous breed. Thank you for
providing photographs and historical information about the
foundation horses. I'll be checking your site to see new faces
and new babies in the barn! Respectfully,
Jan Foreman |
Aug 28/ |
Name: |
Aileen |
Email Address: |
adalusion@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
I love your site !I must
come on here at least every 2 days. I've also fallen in
love with Satin's Sunrise Surprise. She's a beautiful looking
mare and I just wish I could afford to buy her. Keep up the good
work! |
Aug 27/ |
Name: |
Tanja Schaal |
Email Address: |
Tanja@schaal.de |
Comments: |
Tennessee Walkers are the
proudest and beautiful horses around the world. I love
it!!! |
Aug 21/ |
Name: |
Harold B. Mayo |
Email Address: |
Harold B
Mayo |
Comments: |
Ran across the site and was delighted to know
that someone remembers the Allens. Some sixty years ago we
had several. Have not heard the name since world war two.
Thanks for the memories. Harold Mayo
Aug 19/ |
Name: |
Johnitta Gaines |
Email Address: |
sierra@1Starnet.com |
Comments: |
We have a mare from
Gold Rush, Golden Girl (G. G.). Eddie Little Broke
her when The Ranch was in Terrell. Do You Remember
her Mary Ellen? She still is the pride of the
family. Now I am showing my grandchildren your beautiful
web site. Thank you for having it and showing the
beautiful horses.
Thanks Johnitta. |
Aug 13/ |
Name: |
Caroline Örnberg |
Email Address: |
carro_ornberg@yahoo.se |
Comments: |
Hello! Would like to give
comments to your beautiful homepage, i love it!
I am from Sweden and I love the Tennessee walkers , they are so
Unfortunately , we don't have any breeders of them here in
Sweden , that's sad...
When I looked at your horses for sale , I just fell in love with
the gorgeous mare Miss Marilyn Monroe!
What a sweetheart , mmmm.....
If it's not to much to ask , would you perhaps like to e-mail me
a little more information about this horse and another horse
named Gin's Gold Nugget?
I would be so very grateful....
Yours sincerely!
Caroline Örnberg-Sweden |
Aug 11/ |
Name: |
Nancy Warlick |
Email Address: |
NancyWarlick@aol.com |
Comments: |
You have some beautiful horses.
I have a 10 year old Palomino that I would love to breed to your
stallion. Maybe I'll contact you to set up a look-see.
I would like to visit your facility. Your website is
Nancy Warlick |
Aug 11/ |
Name: |
sarah v. |
Email Address: |
bluemtn1@internetcds.com |
Comments: |
THANK YOU, what a grand
It was my pleasure to know a daughter of merry boy, Stiles Donna
f-7695, her dam was Vickie Moore highland reg.
Saddlebred...This red roan mare worked for her living, as her
owner had had a stroke, so she rode in his pick up all over to
his farms to deal with his cattle and had 13 foals, one mare
that traces to Cotham dare...
I'm blessed with a white granddaughter, carousela
The amount of information you've put here is a treasure
trove, hurrah....... |
Aug 8/ |
Name: |
Grace Cooper |
Email Address: |
GracieC234@aol.com |
Comments: |
Thank you for this beautiful
website. I worked with Pride's Generator horses as a young
adult and now have a 21 stall barn and train hunt seat. I
recently saw a horse at an open show that reminded me of
Midnight Sun. I started looking for Walking Horses
online...it brought back memories.
Thank you...you brought tears to my eyes. |
Aug 6/ |
Name: |
Gary Graham |
Email Address: |
garyg@marathoncoach.com |
Comments: |
Enjoyed the history lesson on
World Grand Champions. Dr. and Mrs. Rigual are clients of
mine and I enjoyed learning more about Pride's Sundance Star.
Thanks, Gary Graham |
Aug 7/ |
Name: |
Moira Minnis & Sarah Barry |
Email Address: |
rkomminnis@msn.com |
Comments: |
Love your horses!!
Especially Bum's Warrior and Gold Rush! We saluted
(whinnied to) the deceased. |
Aug 5/ |
Name: |
Kalyn Vagtborg |
Email Address: |
jbvagtborg@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
I love this site. I have a
yearling filly and would love to visit your facility!!!!!!!!! |
Aug 4/ |
Name: |
Karen Phillips |
Email Address: |
kaphillips129@aol.com |
Comments: |
I'll be back... You have sooo
much to offer. Thank you.
[I would like to see Powder River in action... Hopefully that is
in the video you offer? Thanks |
Aug 3/ |
Name: |
Sara Jane Bylund |
Email Address: |
sjbylund@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
I sure did enjoy your Web
Site. How fun. Especially the history of Midnight
I used to have a stallion out of the Son line. He
was Midnight's Merry Tango He was beautiful. I have a
chestnut and white spotted 11 year old mare out of him she
is beautiful/ She is so gaited. Tango was so
incredible he was 27 when I bred him. At that time I was riding
him about 10 miles a day.5 out and 5 back in. He looked
just like Midnight Sun only he had a white blaze, and one white
sock in the rear. I raise spotted saddle horses for
trail horses. We trail ride on rides all over. You
may have heard of the Wilderness Trail Riders Assoc.?
I now have 2 black and whites one chestnut and white, a
solid black I sold my babies. I haven't bred back but
would like to bred my chestnut and White mare to a Palomino Stud
and see if I would get lucky and get a Palomino Spotted Horse.
I have a filly out of a Mr. Bojangles son Bo's Cyanide
She is beautiful, almost 16 Hands she is show quality but I
don't train them like show horses just to ride in the
woods. We live on the edge of a big Park in Florida.
Highland's Hammock Park in Sebring, Florida. I raise my horses
riding them in the park you can ride them anywhere. They are so
gaited. I don't have to worry about that. We sure enjoy
them we camp too. Trail horses. Maybe I will check
out breeding my mare to one of your Palominos this spring.
If you ship semen.
Well thanks for your time.
Sara Jane Bylund |
Aug 1/ |
Name: |
Irene Bissonnet |
Email Address: |
ibissonnet@aol.com |
Comments: |
Beautiful site! |
Aug 1/ |
Name: |
Susan King |
Email Address: |
ssking@broyhillfurn.com |
Comments: |
this is the most interesting web
site I have ever visited. I have just recently purchased my
first walking horse and I am loving it. She has the best
personality and is so fun to ride. It has been a pleasure
reading about her ancestors and looking up her bloodlines. I am
planning on eventually purchasing another walker for my husband
so we can be together on week-ends. |
Jul 30/ |
Name: |
Jenna Bradshaw |
Email Address: |
Comments: |
Hi, I am, with out a doubt, in
love with your horses they are soooo GORGEOUS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm extremely horse crazy :D , I would buy one of these
beautiful animals in a heart beat but, I already own 2
Clydesdales & a Morgan .My parents won't let me buy another
horse for a few more years !!! So I guess I'll wait to do that
.... don't stop raising such beautiful stock ,also I had never
seen a Tennesse Walker before and I sure am glad your horses
were the first now with out a doubt these are the horses i want
to raise !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks
Jenna :D |
Jul 29/ |
Name: |
Brandi |
Email Address: |
rodeo_girl@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Hey I just wanted to say that I
absolutely love walkers. after a friend of mine took my to the
place were she was boarding and got me into walkers I have loved
them ever since. My boyfriend thinks they are crappy but he is
into speed not beauty and comfort. I was wonder if you could
help me find a 1-2 yr old for under $2000 in Texas. also I have
a friend that raises walkers and was wondering if you knew him
and knew how to get a hold of him. well thanks for your time.
Love brandi |
Jul 26/ |
Name: |
jenna bradshaw |
Email Address: |
crayzgurl86304@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
Hi , I love your website its very
cool !!!!!! We've been looking for another horse for the show
ring ... and this breed seems even tempered and exceptional for
the show ring ,if you have any further information on this
breed please fill free to share !!!!!!
Jul 26/ |
Name: |
julie follett |
Email Address: |
rebekaf@aol.com |
Comments: |
I have enjoyed your site.
We own a Tennessee Walker. His name is Pusher's Doing
Time. I am doing a Pedigree on him all the way back and it
is a lot of work. I can't seem to find some of the TWH's.
But did enjoy my visit, I am sure I will be back. Thanks,
Julie |
Jul 25/ |
Name: |
Ralph J. Bailiff |
Email Address: |
r.bailiff@att.net |
Comments: |
We are SO happy
to have purchased TRIP!! Thank you. We went to
the website to copy his pictures for our files and he has
already gone. Would it be possible to get you to
e-mail those pictures to us? Sincerely, Ralph and
Jul 23/ |
Name: |
Ralph J. Bailiff |
Email Address: |
r.bailiff@att.net |
Comments: |
A BIG thank you for selling me
"TRIP". I had spent 2 years looking for the right horse
and found him at Walkers West. Living in Tennessee and
finding the best in Texas is a laugh that will last. I did
look at a lot of horses in Tennessee and Kentucky, many miles.
I even had Walkers West on my favorites and had been close by.
Was I surprised when I pulled in your parking area. I knew
I had finally found the right place. Doug Smiley showed me
some great stock (just to make it hard to choose) but Trip was
what I had been searching so long and hard for. Walkers
West should be praised for working hard to keep standards that
are second to none. No gimmicks, just many great horses.
Looking forward to coming back to work with Doug and Trip. |
Jul 23/ |
Name: |
Caroline |
Email Address: |
Comments: |
love horses and you have a great
Love, Caroline Age 11 ps- getting
a horse soon |
Oct 13/
Name: |
tony brewer |
Email Address: |
brew1399@bellsouth.net |
Comments: |
very nice website,,, i was
equally impressed with the stock available.... |
Oct 11/
Name: |
Amy Desaulniers |
Email Address: |
amd9663@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
What a cool website. It is very
well done and informative. It's really great to go to one
website to see all the great Walkers. Thanks! |
Oct 9/
Name: |
Valeria Johnson |
Email Address: |
why38@aol.com |
Comments: |
Loved your website. Although I
live in CA, I almost wish I lived nearby so I could take riding
lessons and maybe one day purchase a horse. Loved the music also
that accompanies your website. If i ever strike it rich I'm
coming that way. I have a ways to go being that I live in an
apartment in a big city. I never rode a horse before but I LOVE
animals and I know one day that they'll be a part of my life
along with dogs, cats, llamas, and whatever else I'll be able to
fit on my property. Again loved your website. BEAUTIFUL
pictures. Take care. |
Oct 9/
Name: |
Amber Halvorson-Feiertag |
Email Address: |
blondehottie29@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
Your website is great. It
has a lot of information on the walking horses. I have 3
Tennessee walking horses of my own that I show - all with
of Carbon bloodlines. One thing
I was wondering is how I can look up all the
bloodlines of my horses so I can get pictures of my horses
grandparent etc. Thanks again.
Amber |
Oct 7/
Name: |
Craig Montgomery |
Email Address: |
CAM329@aol.com |
Comments: |
Doug is my nephew by marriage and
I am so very proud of his efforts to pursue a career he enjoys
and possesses a God given talent. Continue to put
God first, Doug.
Love Craig |
Oct 6/
Name: |
Barbara Eimer |
Email Address: |
bighairclb@aol.com |
Comments: |
I loved this site! I am
fortunate enough to own a descendant of both
Midnight Sun and
Go-Boy, called Senator Jake.
There is a women in the area that owns a member of the Go-Boy
line. They are both big and Black and they look like twins. This
is my first walker, so I enjoy reading about their history. |
Oct 4/
Name: |
Email Address: |
Comments: |
Oct 4/
Name: |
judy |
Email Address: |
jude4@fone.net |
Comments: |
I really enjoyed
looking at all your photos and great info. I will be
a new owner of a TW in January! I have always been a QH
rider but my grandpa in the 1960's was into TW and it was his
life! As a little girl I thought the TW was way to big and
lifted the feet too high!ha Grandpa did let me ride
in the back seat a few times. He was showing his horses
every weekend and traveled the USA with his horses!
I am just doing trails and going to enjoy that smooth ride!
again, great web site! Judy |
Thu Dec 6 15:41:24 PST 2001 |
Name: |
Adaire |
Email Address: |
LtHsePress@aol.com |
Comments: |
website!! Awesome horses!! |
Mon Dec
3 05:19:39 PST 2001
Name: |
Kathi |
Email Address: |
gowalkers@home.com |
Comments: |
site!! |
Sun Nov 25
18:20:57 PST 2000 |
Name: |
dana sizemore |
Email Address: |
danasizemore560@msn.com |
Comments: |
I absolutely
love your website!! I could stay on it for hours, thank
you for putting together such a fun, informative site for us
Walker loving folks. I especially enjoy the tribute to
Midnight Sun and the articles on Last Chance. Plan to
visit many more times in future--keep up the good work!!! |
Sat Nov 24
19:11:06 PST 2001 |
Name: |
Allison Cousins |
Email Address: |
acousins@ymcabham.org |
Comments: |
Just wanted to
let you know that I love your site. The horse barn where
you can view the for sale and stud service horses is awesome.
I very much enjoyed my visit.
Monday, November
19, 2001 11:04 AM |
Name: |
Clifton Brown |
Email Address: |
cbrown30@pipeline.coscc.cc.tn.us |
Comments: |
Your site was
very nice and helpful in making my breeding decision. I will
contact you in the spring.
Wed Nov 14
10:49:42 PST 2001 |
Name: |
Whitney |
Email Address: |
lightning3089@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Hi It's
me again. I love your site. If you ever get a paint for sale
will you e-mail me?
Monday, November
12, 2001 2:44 PM |
Name: |
Lynne |
Email Address: |
waumbekjunction@cs.com |
Comments: |
Nice site. I
have a Standardbred that I decided to ride rather than
race. He's got a gait that is almost identical to the running
walk that he tends to settle into if I don't ask him for the
pace. The similarities in bloodlines are very evident. |
Mon Nov 12
22:19:52 PST 2001 |
Name: |
Cheryl Hoskins |
Email Address: |
cherylh@epud.net |
Comments: |
Enjoyed viewing
your website & seeing photos of past champions legends. Would
love to see a picture of Go Boy's Sun. I saw him when I was a
kid. He burned in a stable fire in Oregon. |
Sun Nov 11
23:08:08 PST 2001 |
Name: |
Jim Stouder |
Email Address: |
jimandritakc@online.com |
Comments: |
Sat Nov 10 10:33:14 PST 2001
Name: |
Eve Bernshaw |
Email Address: |
ebernshaw@transitionscounseling.com |
Comments: |
Love your site!
EVERYTHING you would want to know about TWH. I particularly
loved seeing the old photos and historical data on this great
breed. 40+ years ago, when I was a girl I rode a walker in
parades in Monrovia. I was originally trained by wonderful
horseman named E. B. Green in Duarte, then later he moved to
Chino. Wonder if anyone may remember him. He trained mothers and
children for walker shows and parades in southern Calif.
Currently riding with a dear friend, Mia Finn and her beautiful
walker, Sirena. Love it... thanks for your site! |
Thu Nov 8
11:04:49 PST 2001 |
Name: |
jennifer |
Email Address: |
jenny_hirschmann@jetaviation.com |
Comments: |
hi, im jenny and I'm 13. all your horses are absolutely
beautiful. i have a horse, she is half pinto half Arabian. her
colors are grey and white. i love her so much. i have already
planned out my business for when i grow up. I will have a stable
called Lucky Stables. It will have abused and neglected horses
there so they can have another chance at being loved. I will
donate half of the stable to handicapped children that have
always wanted to learn how to ride. I want to teach them that
they can do anything in life no matter what kind of obstacles
lay ahead of them. I am saving up all my mommy so I can start
out when i get out of collage. I would like to know how
you got to be successful? how do you get people to buy
from you? i really want to show an abused horse that there
is somebody out there that will give them another chance.
please e-mail me back if you can help me in any way, or if you
have any info. for me
thank you |
Friday, November 02, 2001 5:24 PM
Name: |
Jerrica Reagan |
Email Address: |
tatumgirl#2@aol.com |
Comments: |
Hello, I am 13 years old. I loved
your horses !! My dream is to own a walking horse.
Maybe one day soon I will be able to. My horse is
now 19 years old and my best friend. I dread the day
I have to retire him. He is a quarter horse.
Maybe one day I can visit your farm and see all the pretty
horses in person. |
Monday, October 15th 2001 - 03:57:10 PM |
Name: |
Carol Reagan |
E-mail address: |
crazyhorse2125@aol.com |
Comments: |
I really enjoyed looking at your beautiful
Walkers. |
Monday, October 15th 2001 - 03:50:14 PM |
Name: |
Brandi Stevens |
E-mail address: |
tosmhs@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
I have a Walking Horse and I LOVE her! Her
name is Midnight April Moon. She is 10 yrs. old. I
like your site a lot! |
Saturday, October 13th 2001 - 06:05:22
PM |
Name: |
Cathy O'Brien |
E-mail address: |
chattycat53@home.com |
Comments: |
Back again can't get enough of viewing God's
beautiful creations. The desire to be involved with the
Walker is growing stronger everyday. Hopefully I
will have at least my first Walker before I retire from the Air
Force. Only 4 more years to go! Thank you for your
site. It's is the best! Just loved the barn!
~Cathy |
Monday, October
8th 2001 - 10:39:52 AM |
Name: |
D. J. Smith
Jr. |
E-mail address: |
djsmithjr@telocity.com and
Comments: |
Just a note to let you know that you have a very interesting
Thank you,
D. J. Smith Jr. |
Thu Oct 11
14:40:47 PDT 2001 |
Name: |
McIntosh |
E-mail address: |
RcaliCowGirl@aol.com |
Comments: |
Sun Oct 7 19:34:05
PDT 2001 |
Name: |
Robert Hill |
E-mail address: |
tetonswalkers@cs.com |
Comments: |
Thursday, October 4th 2001 - 09:55:19
PM |
Name: |
Comments: |
Sunday, September 30th 2001 - 09:53:18
AM |
Name: |
sandy burr |
Comments: |
your website is great. I love
seeing all the beautiful horses you have come through, like CAT
MAN, WHO is now mine. He is wonderful. See you soon! |
Wednesday, September 26th 2001 -
12:31:23 PM |
Name: |
Lindsay |
E-mail address: |
islanddreamer137@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Your website is the coolest! I'll
always keep your stable in my heart. Some
people give unselfishly, that's how I look at Walkers West. |
Saturday, September 22nd 2001 -
09:54:11 AM |
Name: |
miss Deborah |
E-mail address: |
deborah_dallas99@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
just love your website and love Strolling Jim
isn't he something!!!!! Too bad we don't have that real
walking horse blood around anymore. Well y'all just keep
on walking and god bless. Again you have the best website
on Tennessee Walking Horses. Take care and still are
looking for a job at your barn.
sincerely Deborah Shrum |
Saturday, September 22nd 2001 -
08:40:21 AM |
Name: |
Becky Franklin |
E-mail address: |
beckyrncjd@aol.com |
Comments: |
I have enjoyed touring your site. I would
love to purchase a horse from your ranch, but I'm not sure about
the drive to pick it up. Have a great day!!!! |
Friday, September 21st 2001 - 05:51:22
PM |
Name: |
Kimberlee Hardy |
E-mail address: |
kimberleehardy@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
I really enjoy your website, especially the
tribute to Midnight Sun. I have one of his granddaughters and I
have never met her equal. She is 23, and I only recently retired
her from trail riding (much to her disappointment). I was
wondering about her illustrious grandsire, and your website has
told me all I need to know to confirm my suspicions that she
inherited much of her grandfather's personality and will. Thanks
again. |
Friday, September 21st 2001 - 08:12:04
AM |
Name: |
Margaret Wolfe |
E-mail address: |
MrgrtRw@aol.com |
Comments: |
Is there any way this site could be set up so
that we could email the website to others? This is the most
important web site and it should be easier for people to find.
Thank you for doing such a great service to a very deserving
breed. I have five Walking Horses and have had nothing but
Tennessee Walking Horses since 1942. |
Tuesday, September 18th 2001 - 08:44:42
PM |
Name: |
Randy Widmer |
E-mail address: |
randy@goodforyou.ca |
Comments: |
I have enjoyed your web site and am
interested in purchasing a breeding mare. I will go through your
contact listing to contact you on some of the horses you have
for sale. |
Sunday, September 16th 2001 - 06:01:42
AM |
Name: |
Melisha Rudkin |
E-mail address: |
mdrudkin@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
I just recently purchased a Tennessee Walker.
He's the best thing. He is a very beautiful horse and I
thoroughly am enjoying riding him. |
Sunday, September 9th 2001 - 09:53:33
PM |
Name: |
Teresa |
E-mail address: |
tjntx99@aol.com |
Comments: |
I liked your site. Love all horses I've
seen. Stuck in the city, can't get out. Something I
would like to share - have you looked into Gypsy Vanners?
They're beautiful. |
Sunday, September 9th 2001 - 11:20:06
AM |
Name: |
Dainelle Kinsel |
E-mail address: |
plastikchik1@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Hello! I am writing to you in request of some
good quality photographs to be published in a book on the Equine
race. I have been writing/researching on this subject for ten
years, and I have many photos...but not nearly enough!! You
would receive full credit for any that I can use in my book, and
I CAN return photos!! You have a vastly informative website, and
I thank-you for your time. Please write to me at 16253 CR 44;
Goshen, Indiana, 46526. Thanks again! |
Tuesday, September 4th 2001 - 12:58:50
PM |
Name: |
Laurie Innocent |
E-mail address: |
laurind@telusplanet.net |
Comments: |
Hi There
I have visited your site several times and just had to tell you
how incredibly fun it is!!! Not to mention informative,
Well done!!
Laurie Innocent
Laurindale Stables, Alberta, Canada |
Friday, August 31st 2001 - 07:46:13 AM |
Name: |
Helen Botsford |
E-mail address: |
Botsford49@home.com |
Comments: |
I've book-marked your fabulous website. I'm
looking for a Walker 15 hands or under. I am 5'3' and I enjoy
riding bareback. I lost my 28 year old gelding and I am looking
for another friend to share the trails with. |
Wednesday, August 29th 2001 - 08:25:41
PM |
Name: |
Rebecca Wallace |
E-mail address: |
rebeccaw@netdoor.com |
Comments: |
I think that the Tennessee Walking horse is
the most famous breed ! we've got Midnight Sun's Granddaughter ! |
Wednesday, August 29th 2001 - 02:03:26
PM |
Name: |
Sharon James |
E-mail address: |
fajames1@gte.net |
Comments: |
GREAT SITE!!!!!!!!! We LOVEEEEE your
horses!!! |
Sunday, August 26th 2001 - 07:51:15 PM |
Name: |
Pam Riehle |
E-mail address: |
ppprriehle@aol.com |
Comments: |
Love your web site.
Due to an illness with my current TWH gelding, I may be in the
market for another. I am interested in Pusher's Final Bum,
as he is the closest that you have to my current gelding, who I
love dearly. Can you please tell me, does Bum direct
rein or neck rein, have you ridden him with an English saddle?
Is he safe enough for a little bit better than a beginning
rider? What kind of shoes do you ride him with? I am
not interested in anything that has been padded or ridden with
heavy shoes. Please send me any information that you can
about him. I hope to be able to visit you soon and am
looking forward to your answers to my questions.
Am also interested in Paint's Cotton as a stud for my mares for
next year. They are all currently (3 of them) in foal and
won't deliver until the spring, so I'm looking at late July or
August. Please give me all the information you can about
Thanks again for all your help.
Pam Riehle |
Sunday, August 26th 2001 - 09:47:09 AM |
Name: |
Peggy |
E-mail address: |
waltamb@cyber-quest.com |
Comments: |
Looking for any show info on our TWH, Ebony's
Happy Star. He is the grandson of Ebony Masterpiece.
He was foaled in 1987, and we bought him in 1998, but we can't
seem to find out very much on him during that time. AAAAANY info
would be greatly appreciated. |
Sunday, August 26th 2001 - 01:56:29 AM |
Name: |
Cyndi |
E-mail address: |
butterfli_rose@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Sunday, August 26th 2001 - 12:33:43 AM |
Name: |
Mike Wagers |
E-mail address: |
mikew_31907@yahoo.com |
Comments: |
Owner of Eagle Pass Farms in Culleoka TN.
Loved your web site and your horses. Will be starting a facility
in the next couple of years.
Regards |
Friday, August 24th 2001 - 10:28:03 PM |
Name: |
Walking B Stables |
E-mail address: |
lburgett@eatel.net |
Comments: |
on the page!!!!!!!! Good luck again at Celebration. Lynn |
Friday, August 24th 2001 - 10:12:23 PM |
Name: |
Rachel McBride |
E-mail address: |
KODA-N-RACH@webtv.com |
Comments: |
We truly enjoyed this web site. We
found it very informative. We were able to trace the
bloodlines to our horses. You have done a great job---keep
up the good work. |
Friday, August 24th 2001 - 05:10:21 PM |
Name: |
Meredith Caver |
E-mail address: |
PAKbaby13@hotmail.com |
Comments: |
this is by far the coolest Tenn. Walker site
I've ever been to, keep up the great work!!!! |
Thursday, August 23rd 2001 - 12:38:44
PM |
Name: |
Mary Alice Seago |
E-mail address: |
meraliceseago@aol.c |
Comments: |
I am Jack Welch's sister and was interested
in looking at you web site. Jack has bought two of your horses
and bred his mare to your stallion. I am very impressed with you
web site and excited to see the horses. |
Wednesday, August 22nd 2001 - 02:30:06
PM |
Name: |
E-mail address: |
Comments: |
Monday, August 20th 2001 - 08:10:04 PM |
Name: |
Erika |
Comments: |
I think this is a great site because you can
see all the horses and the barn. Oh and its easy to find every
thing and that's cool |
Monday, August 20th 2001 - 11:24:36 AM |
Name: |
Jolene Bachman |
E-mail address: |
hbachman@aol.com |
Comments: |
Saturday, August 18th 2001 - 05:06:25
AM |
Name: |
Hilda Rudder |
E-mail address: |
hilda.rudder@ucar.com |
Comments: |
Beautiful horses. I wish I lived close so I
could come see the places. I started out with a quarter horse
and a friend got me on a Walker and I just had to have one. I
love them. They are amazing. |
Friday, August 17th 2001 - 10:38:16 AM |
Name: |
Rick Sharp |
E-mail address: |
prliquid@moment.net |
Comments: |
My wife Beverley and I own and enjoy riding
our two Tennessee Walkers, however we need more training about
these fine horses than they do. I am having trouble getting
information on the training of a Walker "Rider". If you have any
advise I would appreciate it.
Rick Sharp |
Tuesday, August 14th 2001 - 06:53:08 PM |
Name: |
Ashley Hacker |
E-mail address: |
kinwalker@aol.com |
Comments: |
I love your web site. Powder River is
my favorite. He has a nice front end and a nice back end.
He has nice color too. I have three walking horses one 12
year old gelding, a paint stud ,and a mare I have showed all of
them and placed very very well.1996 my gelding prides courage
took 2nd in the plantation championship class at the
Celebration. I'm only 13 but i know my walking horses all my
life I have been around them. i'm not them one kind of kids that
are just taught how to ride. When i got these 3 horses i had to
take care of them. i had to know how to set up their feet, but
that's what i want to do i want to brake and train horses and
that's what i'm doing and i have a lot of fun doing it . That's
why i like you and your web site because you put your time and
your effort in doing it. well good luck with powdered river in
the next shows thanks for your time . |
Wednesday, August 8th 2001 - 07:57:52
PM |
Name: |
Anne Trenary |
E-mail address: |
shawnee@shawneelink.net |
Comments: |
I am wondering if you have any information and/or photo's of:
Powerful Threat #780755 and Threat's Black Power #704718
We have two mares with this breeding and can't seem to locate
any information. I really like these mares and they have become
wonderful trail horses.
Respectfully yours,
Anne |
Monday, August 6th 2001 - 05:58:05 PM |
Name: |
Andrea Bixby |
E-mail address: |
andrea.bixby@gte.net |
Comments: |
I would love to visit your farm sometime
since I am so close. I have Arabians and I am just starting to
ride Saddleseat. I'm looking for a used saddle and suit. I'm
broadening my horizon from dressage & western. I Love the
Tennessee Walkers, they are awesome. |
Sunday, August 5th 2001 - 11:43:05 AM |
Name: |
Cheryl Elkins |
E-mail address: |
cjelkins@apex.net |
Comments: |
I have enjoyed you web page for a long time
keep up the good work. I have a question. I have a filly whose
grand sire was Suns Golden Generator. Have you or any one ever
hear of him? He was a Palomino. His son is Golden
Wooden Nickel, also a Palomino, and mine is to so please if any
one knows of Suns background, e-mail me |
Friday, August 3rd 2001 - 08:56:21 AM |
Name: |
Dee Chandler |
E-mail address: |
ahmeandbub@aol.com |
Comments: |
I was so impressed with your site as well as
the descriptions of the horses for sale. The "In Memory" part of
each famous horse is outstanding. It is definitely one if
not the best horse site I have been to. Keep up the good
work! |
Thursday, August 2nd 2001 - 12:48:23 PM |