Name: |
Mary-Anne Taylor |
Email Address: |
Country: |
Comments: |
Hi Mary!!
Its well after Christmas now, and almost spring. I did end up buying
all three copies of Echo of Hoofbeats. By far the third edition is
best, a lot more history of each horse's accomplishments and
lineage. Not as many photos as I would have liked though. I'd love
to have all the photos you have! Can a person obtain a book of all
the photos that you have on your website? They are so gorgeous!
Thank you for your help and responding as you did.
Mary-Anne. |
Date: |
February 16, 2011 |
The only place all of these pictures are
published is on the Walkers West website - there are over 4,000
Mary Ellen Areaux |
Name: |
Mary-Anne Taylor |
Email Address: |
Country: |
Comments: |
As you already know you have a Great website! I have visited it
numerous times! All the superb photos, old and new!
I am searching for the coveted book, Echo of Hoofbeats/Bob Womack.
There are three editions. Is there one that stands out from the
other two? Please help.
Thank you,
Mary. |
Date: |
November 23, 2010 |
If there is a difference between the 3 editions,
I did not know that. I have what I think is the first edition.
Sometimes you find copies on Ebay for sale. His son, Ricky Womack,
works at Rising Star Ranch in Shelbyville - (I think he is still
there) - you might try to reach him there and ask him if there is a
difference between the 3 editions.
If you find there is a difference between the 3 editions, please let
me know.
Thank you for the kind words about the website.
Mary Ellen Areaux |
Name: |
Gene McCall |
Email Address: | |
Country: |
Comments: |
I enjoy your site. Here is my memory. As a young
teen my uncle took me to see my first walker show. I had the
pleasure to see C.A. Bobo show. After almost half a century I have
never seen a person take over the ring like Mr. Bobo. He was the
man!!! I never get on your site or see a walking that I do not
remember a master at work. Thank you for the opportunity to share
the memories of these great horses.
Gene McCall |
Date: |
February 02, 2011 |
Thank you for your nice
email to Walkers West - I agree with you about C. A. Bobo. I knew
him years ago when he used to come to Texas to show. He was very
nice to help me with a horse I was showing at that time - made some
good suggestions - where most TN trainers would not have wasted
their time. I always liked to watch him show - he could chew that
gum in perfect rhythm with the horse's head nodding…..
Mary Ellen Areaux
Walkers West
Name: |
Claytie Shipley |
Email Address: | |
Country: |
Comments: |
Subject: Childhood Memories
I grew up in Murfreesboro, Tennessee and lived on East Main Street
for a time not far from Sam Paschal Barn. He was my hero. My Dad had
a shop across the street from the barn and he was friends with Mr.
Sam, my favorite thing to do was to go to the shop and sit out front
and watch "Mr. Sam" work the horses. I fell in love with Setting
Sun. I don't remember exactly what year it was, but I was 8 or 9 and
it was my birthday. My Dad carried me to the shop and told me Mr.
Sam wanted me to come to the barn so we went across the street and
he had me that famous autographed picture of Setting Sun and then to
my surprise I got to sit on him. I felt like a princess. As time
went on I always watched what happened with him. Tonight I decided
to goggle and see what I found. Thank you so much for posting the
story about "Mr. Sam" and about Setting Sun. Isn't it amazing how
some 52 or 53 years ago just sitting on a horse and looking down at
my Daddy and Mr. Sam made me so happy. In today's world how many
children would even pay attention to that experience and treasure it
in their hearts like I have. Today's children are so caught up in
expensive gifts, video games and entertainment. All that cost was a
little piece of his time which he freely gave. Thank you Mr. Sam for
the memory!
Claytie Reed Shipley
Smyrna, Tennessee
Date: |
January 29, 2011 |
Sara Grimes |
| |
I am attending the University of Montana Western to obtain a science
bachelor's degree in Natural Horsemanship, and on my Christmas
break, I was given the opportunity to tag along with my mom to the
ranch where she sees to the care and fitness of a trio of Tennessee
Walkers. I absolutely fell in love with a stunning paint-- Powder
River. I spent the majority of my break riding him bareback in a
halter. I have scarcely met a horse more intelligent, willing, and
responsive as River. He has a heart of gold, an unflagging spirit,
and an extremely gentle disposition--not to mention gaits that would
make any true horse person drool! I came across your website while
looking up his show records, and I wanted you to know that he is in
capable, pampering, adoring hands. My mom and I agree that he is the
kind of horse a person always wishes for, but never finds--a true
Best Wishes
Sara Grimes |
January 13, 2011 |
Name: |
Anava Guttman |
Email Address: | |
Country: |
Israel |
Comments: |
I've seen your logo in facebook and
thought you would like an upgrade....

Anava Guttman |
Date: |
November 29, 2010 |
Name: |
Dodi Hart |
Email Address: | |
Country: |
Comments: |
Thank you for such a wonderful
website!! Wow all the information and pictures!! It's really great
to be able to see pictures of what my horses families looked like!
Thank you again and again!!
Dodi Hart Walking Hart Ranch
Date: |
September 29, 2010 |
Name: |
James Birthisel |
Email Address: |
Country: |
Comments: |
I’ll never forget the day you
called, it was like talking to my hero! The one who owned Powder
River and Walkers West!!!!!! Two of my favorite things in the
Walking horse world! Thank you for the Walkers West site, it has
taught me and many others so much about the breed, the history,
breeding, genetics, etc. It isn’t everyone who is successful that
wants to share what they know. This makes you a very special person!
James Birthisel
Operations Manager
Job-Site Truck & Equipment Leasing, LLC
Date: |
September 21, 2010 |
Name: |
Walter Quick |
Email Address: | |
Country: |
Comments: |
This is the best Walking Horse site I
have ever seen. I have been going through it for the last 2 hours.
Really enjoy the history of the breed and the in-depth details.
I have an old scrapbook that has
older pictures of popular horses at the time , I'll try to email
them to you.
Congrats on a great site!!
Walter Quick
Date: |
September 02, 2010 |
Name: |
Erica Jo Edmonds |
Email Address: | |
Country: |
Comments: |
I would like to share a story with you, and I really hope you find it as amusing as I have. My whole life I have loved and rode Quarterhorses, until recently when I decided to finally purchase my first horse. I decided to ride a Tennessee Walker just because he was there and for sale. His name was Shakespeare; he was black with a white snip on his nose and stands a good 16 hands tall, if not maybe a little taller. I fell in love with him during our first ride. If you could imagine the perfect first ride between a horse and rider, that was it.
After purchasing and moving him to his new home, the barn owner, who was an elder man, stopped me and said, “that horse has to have Midnight Sun in him, look at how he holds his head.” We went on to have a conversation about him and other famous Walkers of his time such as Merry Go Boy.
So, being the curious person that I am, I went home and researched both horses and was stunned by the way they both identically resembled my horse. A week later I got his papers from his previous owners and saw that both Midnight Sun and Merry Go Boy were his great, great grandfathers. I don’t know how much this means to you, but it really hit me hard. I feel like the owner of a champion even though he has never stepped foot in a show before. I wish his previous owners had shown him though, because I feel he definitely could of followed the steps of both his grandfathers. He has a greatness about him, and it’s hard to miss if you know the Walker breed and the horses that made them what they are today. I know Midnight Sun bred hundreds of horses, but for one of them to fall right into my hands simply leaves me in awe. Sadly I am just starting out in the Tennessee Walker world, but it’s so amazing to think that the blood of two World Champions runs in my horse. I would have loved to meet them both, but after reading about these horses I find it easy to believe that I have come close enough.
When I bought him he was out of shape and the pure black of his coat faded after being left out in the sun all day. I’m trying so hard to get him into shape and show off his true colors. He has a big heart, but you have to win it. One day I hope to be able to take a picture of him, hold it up next to Midnight Sun and barely be able to the two apart besides the small snip on Shakespeare’s nose.
Thanks so much for taking time to read my story. I hope it makes you smile like it has made me.
P.S. the man that owns the barn I board Shakespeare at lived during the time of Midnight Sun and was given the “thrill of riding” him one afternoon. No wonder he could see the blood of Midnight Sun running through my horse.
Erica Jo Edmonds
That is a great story. I can understand how thrilled you were and are..... those were two of the greatest horses in the breed. In fact, back in the day, they called it the Golden Cross to breed a Merry Go Boy mare to Midnight Sun or one of his sons.
I can also understand how you feel because I had the rare opportunity to own a direct son of Midnight Sun - his name was Merry Night Cap - and he had so many of the wonderful traits of his sire. Big - black - gentle as a puppy dog - very naturally gaited and such a nice horse. I am so glad to have had that experience. He suffered from the Texas heat badly - so I sold him to Bill Harlin - the owner of Midnight Sun - and the owner of Harlinsdale Farm - it was after Pride of Midnight died and my stallion was a 3/4's brother to Pride of Midnight. He got to occupy Midnight Sun's Stall and pasture while he was there. Doesn't get any better than that.
Thank you for sharing your story with me. You're a very lucky person to own Shakespeare.
Mary Ellen Areaux
Walkers West |
Date: |
August 12, 2010 |
Name: |
Jay Bertram |
Email Address: |
Country: |
Comments: |
Subject: Shades of Carbon and my first and only time!
The internet is a fascinating bit of technology. It provided me the opportunity to Google Shades of Carbon at 2 a.m. on a July night some some 34 years after I saw Shades of Carbon for the first and only time in my life. But, I’ve never forgotten the sight.
I’m not a horse person in general. They’re nice to look at, but I wouldn’t want to own one! Friends of ours, David and Linda, said why don’t you go with us to the Walking Horse Celebration in Smithville, TN. We were living in Albany, Kentucky at the time. Long story short, we went!
I’ll never forget the magnificent Shades of Carbon entering the ring and the way he moved. You didn’t have to have a trained eye to recognize the presence of greatness. He just looked and moved in a way the other didn’t.
I’m glad his life touched mine.
Jay B.
Yes, I was at the Celebration too the night that Shades of Carbon won. He was really magnificent and I was glad to see another woman win the World Grand Championship. Betty Sain was the first woman on Shaker's Shocker in 1966 and Betty and I have become good friends. I know Judy Martin that rode Shades of Carbon too. The thing that impressed me about Shades of Carbon is that he was doing the exact same thing at the end of the show as he was at the beginning and what I mean by that is that the horse never seemed to get tired as they really put the contenders through a heavy-duty workout. I talked with Judy Martin in the years after the show and she told me about all the conditioning that they did with Shades of Carbon to build up his stamina that made him so great.
Mary Ellen Areaux
Walkers West |
Date: |
July 08, 2010 |
Name: |
Carlita Griffith |
Email Address: |
Country: |
Comments: |
Mary Ellen,
thank you for spending time with me on
Saturday. I enjoyed meeting David and seeing Dominoe. I
especially enjoyed meeting Paints Cotton, what a wonderful
horse! I hope to have horse that looks like him someday!
I am an avid fan of your website, I love
looking at the wonderful horses. I only wished I was
closer, then maybe I could learn more and take lessons. I live
north of Fort Worth, it is quite a drive out to your place. But
I had such a good time there. Great people, great atmosphere,
great horses.
I have decided against Dominoe at this time. I
think I should stick to a horse trained for what I want to do. I
may just get more training for mine at this time and not look
for a new horse. I do want to own a painted gaited horse one
day... and I will always keep you in mind for that. :)
I wanted to let you know what I decided and
how much I enjoyed my visit. It was very fun and relaxing and
made my day. You were as nice as I had remembered from a visit a
few years ago with my son. We had come to look at a black TW
with a crooked tail that would rear. We decided against that
horse, but you were very kind, honest and informative. It was
great to meet David, who answered all my questions and seems
very patient and kind and great with the horses.
Thank you!
Carlita Griffith
Date: |
March 07, 2010 |
Name: |
Victoria Hicks |
Email Address: | |
Country: |
Comments: |
I have a grand son of coins hard
cash. His dad is extra cash. His registered name is Black
Perfection. But I call him black ice. I can see how much him and
cash look alike. He rides just as nice as I guess cash would. I
myself think he would be an excellent padded horse. But we are still
getting used to him. Keep on with the site!! I love it! My papa is
an ex-padded horse trainer. He loves looking at the horses he has
saw him
Thank you for your email - glad you are enjoying the website.
Extra Cash
was such a nice a horse, as was Coin's Hard Cash. I wouldn't be
if your horse would have made a great padded horse, but just
enjoy him as he
is. There's nothing wrong with being a great pleasure riding
horse as well.
Mary Ellen Areaux
Walkers West
Date: |
October 31, 2009 |
Name: |
Steffi König
Email Address: |
Country: |
Germany |
Comments: |
Dear Mary Ellen Areux,
Congrats to your barn, you're so lucky. I'm 17 and turn 18 in two weeks. Everyday I visit your homepage to get the latest news around TWH. The hardest part for me is the Sale-Site, because I do not have enough money to buy one. And now there are some Questions from me to you and I hope you can answer a little TWH-Freak like me. When I grow older one day and will have money (oh, I hope so!) I'll buy a TWH for sure. The greatest variety of horses I find on your site and I totally fell in love with "Aspen" - I don't know why, I even dislike white ones, but she is so lovely with the sweetest head and eyes
I've ever seen. I know, I'll never own her, but I want to know, how much the transport to me (Germany) costs? And are Sabinos like her rare? Should every guy, who want to buy a horse in the USA, fly to your barn and ride them? Is every TWH in your variety totally healthy? So much questions and hopefully not so much mistakes - you know,
English is not my main-language. Oh my heart is bleeding when I see her, it is so sad :(
Do you know
Josef´s Walkaway Farm? It is the greatest Breeder in Europe, and it's near my hometown. Unfortunately, I visit it only one day at the German Championships. One of the best days in my life.
Greets from me,
Steffi K.
PS: I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon :)
Steffi K
Thank you so much for you interest in Tennessee Walking Horses and your kind words about my website.
We just sold two Tennessee Walkers to a very nice lady in Berlin, Germany. They are in quarantine right now and will ship to Amsterdam about the 26th of October. I think the cost to ship from here to there is about $4,500.00. You would have to pick up the horse in Amsterdam and take back to Germany.
Aspen is an absolutely gorgeous pure white mare with dark eyes. I have known her all her life - in fact, I named her - but I have never owned her.
The pure white Tennessee Walking Horses are fairly rare in the breed
- they account for about 2% of the breed. But I have owned a number
of them over the years. I think they are so pretty.
All of the horses on my website for sale belong to other people, I sell them on consignment - or I broker them - for other people. I do not take horses with physical or mental problem - only nice horses. They are all current on shots and have a current negative
Coggins. It is always a good thing to go and see the horse you want to buy to make sure it is exactly what you want. That isn't always possible when you live so far away. My concern would be that you meet other people with
Tennessee Walking Horses and learn how to ride them. They are ridden a little differently from other breeds. They are trained through the mouth, so you are always in contact with the mouth, but in a gentle way. We do not use much in the way of leg aids - if you squeeze your legs, they will go faster, but that is about the only time we use leg aids.
A few years ago, a very nice young lady from Germany came here and spent about 3 months learning about Tennessee Walkers - she stayed here with me and rode horses all day long. We had a lot of fun. I've lost track of her now, but every now and then she emails me.
If I can help you in any way, let me know.
Mary Ellen Areaux
Walkers West |
Date: |
October 04, 2009 |
Name: |
Tommy Williams |
Email Address: |
Country: |
Comments: |
Mary Ellen,
I just read your new page for Watch It Now and it was a perfect
outline to his career and owners, some I was never aware of. I put
the link on the
Walking Horse Chat. Your Gallery is the "chiseled granite" of
the Internet in getting out the facts on our world grand champions.
I love that site and it has been the perfect historical reference
for us crazy horse buffs like me...LOL.
Tommy Williams
Memory WebCast
Walking Horse World
Walking Horse Chat
Mt. Pleasant Record
Thank you so much for your kind
I'm on Cloud 9. I have a wonderful webmaster whom I met over 25
years ago - long before the internet - when I had a son of
Midnight Sun advertised in the Voice for breeding. She and I
became friends even though she lived far away in Canada - but
because my site was her first website, she really puts a lot of
effort into it which I so greatly appreciate. Thanks also for
the link on WHC - I'll go check it out.
Mary Ellen Areaux
Walkers West
Date: |
September 12, 2009 |
Name: |
Jerry D. Sizemore |
Email Address: | |
Country: |
Comments: |
I was just looking at your latest
page for the new World Grand Champion and thought I would pass along
a couple of pictures that I captured that night. Not sure if these
will be of interest, but thought I'd pass them along.
Your website is awesome, the greatest walking horse history site out
Jerry D. Sizemore
Thank you for the kind words
about the website and thank you for sending the pictures. I am
forwarding them to my webmaster at this time. I am sure she
would like to use one or more of them if that is O.K. with you.
Mary Ellen Areaux |
Date: |
September 14, 2009 |
Name: |
Rodney Yarbrough |
Email Address: |
Country: |
Comments: |
I grew up in Searcy and lived next
door to Joe Webb in the late 50s. I was born in Rodgers hospital and
also treated by Dr Rodgers on a few occasions prior to the sad
latter years of his life. I lived next to Joe and I believe his
wife’s name was Nelda, on Market St when their son Mike passed away.
Really sad time. But Perfection and Carbon Copy were awesome horses.
A friend of mine bought a foal from Carbon Copy. Never made it to
the big times but the foal was beautiful.
Rodney Yarbrough
That's a great story and it's a small world - because here you are
in Dallas now.
I went to Joe Web's first Adult training school in 1971 and learned
so much. I later helped Joe put on clinics in Texas.
He was a real horseman and a real showman. The industry was so luck
to have had him as a trainer. He helped a lot of other people get
interested in the breed.
You will have to come out and visit us some time - we are just 30
miles east of downtown Dallas.
Mary Ellen Areaux
Walkers West |
Date: |
August 17, 2009 |
Name: |
Megan Carter - Buffalo Moon
Expedition |
Email Address: | |
Country: |
Comments: |
I just wanted to thank you for such an awesome Tenn Walker site. I
have referred to it several times when reading up on my two Walker's
ancestors. I have a direct daughter of Gens Armed and Dangerous
(age11) and Grand Daughter of Midnight Sun (age 21) and I have to
admit, that Midnight Suns lines are a bit people say.
Anyway, here is Dusty (Midnight Sun) and Trudy (Gen's Armed and
Dangerous') links to two YouTube video's taken of them. Dusty holds
her tail just like her grandaddy as you will see... Both girls have
had a very rough past and I am getting them over that :)
Thanks again and hope you enjoy the show!
Midnight Sun Progeny
Gen's Armed and Dangerous Progeny
Megan Carter
Buffalo Moon Expedition
Thank you for the kind comments - you have two pretty horses - I
could have told you the breeding when I saw them!! Glad you are
enjoying them.
Mary Ellen Areaux
Walkers West |
Date: |
August 03, 2009 |
Name: |
Marilyn Dolezal |
Email Address: |
Country: |
Comments: |
Mary Ellen, we here in Montana are so proud of the Carbon Copy mare we have, Copy's Shamrock. She has some age now, but still looks like a young mare and with a foal this year! She really is our pride and joy and such a lovely temperament. My daughter Gina Kanzaki rode her in our parade last year, showing the mare still has such style and class!
Thank you too, for a great web page....
Marilyn Dolezal, Mountain Manor Ranch, Ronan, MT |
Date: |
July 13, 2009 |
Name: |
AL, HW |
Email Address: |
Country: |
Comments: |
I found
a stack
of old
It was
in the
Old and
Over on
Go Boy’s
going on
to win
Stake on
night. |
Date: |
Name: |
Joe &
Montgomery |
Email Address: |
n/a |
Country: |
Comments: |
About 6
ago, I
one of
the last
sons of
He was a
mane and
Was one
of the
was. Not
for a
He had
been a
but was
but a
love for
me. This
was some
What a
there is
They are
(Tennessee) |
Date: |
14, 2009 |
Name: |
Rachel Bush |
Email Address: | |
Country: |
Comments: |
My name is Matthew and I live in Tennessee. I was researching the bloodline of my family's horses and came across your wonderful page. I loved it and not only was it informative but also very catchy. We have three TWH from the Last Chance bloodline, such as Sassy Chance, a 23 year old mare. Robs
Colby Chance and Frosty Chance, aka Alabama Gold. All three are beautiful horse. Sassy is a reddish or roan color with a very unique blond main and tale. Her offspring, Colby and Frosty are both beautiful palominos. One being Carmelo and the other being more white during the winter and darker in the summer. All three are
wonderful horses with great bloodlines that we use mostly for trail riding or just pleasure rides. When these registered horses names are discussed, The Famous Last Chance is always brought to the conversation. Thank you for creating this website. |
Date: |
Tuesday, February 03, 2009 |
Name: |
Sara |
Email Address: | |
Country: |
Comments: |
Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your site, especially the WGC homepages and Carbon Copy's in particular. He is one of my favorite WGCs and my family is fortunate enough to own one of his daughters - Copy's Glowing Delight, or "Lo." She is a gorgeous bay mare foaled in 1989. I've attached a
photo of her. A couple of people have told us she looks just like her old man, including David Williams of Waterfall Farms. I never got to see Carbon Copy in person, unfortunately, so I can't tell you for sure or not whether that's true, but Lo is a very sweet old mare and still goes for rides every now and then. We are
also hoping to get one or two more babies out of her in the next year or two.
Thank you for keeping such a wonderful website.
Date: |
Wednesday, December 31, 2008 |
Name: |
Barbara Seebaran |
Email Address: | |
Country: |
Comments: |
We love Grace!
Hooray! Your wonderful efforts have successfully paid off! Our
black filly, Paint's Black Sapphire has not even been home for a
full week yet but has far exceeded our expectations. We rode in
a small round pen and she allowed me to mount by using a bucket,
with no problems. She did so well, I decided after 2 times
riding in the round pen to take her to the large arena to ride.
Again, using the bucket, she stood still for me to mount and
stayed still after mounting. She walked and looked at everything
with out hesitation. We even have cows at the back of the
arena. She was very curious but showed no fear. A motorcycle
went by and another horse in the arena was having some bad
behaviors but Grace was PURE GRACE! She walked, head shaking
with out missing a beat. We are so proud of the work you all
did with her. We cannot thank you enough. She likes to be
given time to process our request and has been very compliant.
She even took on the caveson without a hitch. She gave you both
and us grave concerns at the beginning, but as of yet, no
attitude is showing. She is even backing a few steps. Marcey
rode her in the arena last night and loved her. She is so
smooth. I have ridden her every morning and she is calm and
cooperative. She loves being back with her mom. Again, we
appreciate all the hard work and patience you put in with us and
it is showing in her. We are very happy with her. Thank you
Barbara Seebaran
In God We Trust
Date: |
June 09, 2008 |
Name: |
Pat Monson |
Email Address: |
Country: |
Comments: |
Sunny went for her first trail
ride this weekend and she earned an A+.
She was great and seemed to really enjoy being on the trail at Lake
Lavon. We found she had a "cruise control button" - just set the
speed, back off, and let her go motor on down the trail.
And best of all, she keeps pace with Sky, So Duke and I can actually
ride side by side!
She has settled in nicely and seems happy. We thoroughly enjoy her.
Pat and/or Duke Monson (sometimes
one, sometimes t'other) |
Date: |
Mar 03, 2008 |
Name: |
Cyndee |
Email Address: |
Country: |
Comments: |
Mary Ellen,
It's the next day and still no buyers remorse! You and crew took the
pain out of horse hunting - which is what I have been doing for four
months now.
Thanks for sharing your expertise. You gave me confidence in making
a selection, Blazing Gunfire (Gunner-I think) is the right horse for
me. I have never seen such a commendable job of matching horse to
Cyndee |
Date: |
Mar 02, 2008 |
Name: |
Lexy |
Email Address: | |
Country: |
Comments: |
Hi There,
Im just wondering if you have an email for the new owners of Powder
River? I have loved Powder River from the first time I laid eyes on
him. We are considering breeding a mare to him now that he is so
much closer to us.
Thanks so
Much..........................................................Lexie |
Date: |
Feb 18, 2008 |
Name: |
Andy Bulecza |
Email Address: | |
Country: |
Comments: |
Hay Mary Ellen
it's Andy from Florida. Hope all is well. I am having to rebuild my
site from scratch and on my history page and I wanted to put a link
to your site. Just wanted to make sure you are ok with that. You
know I have been thinking. What will you do if you ever retire from
the horse biz? Will you keep the website up? It would be a shame for
all that history to go. Does anyone else have a site with all the
past horse links or only you? If you ever decide to let it go I
would like to make sure it keeps going.
P.S. If you ever find your self in need of a trainer again or barn
manager/promoter please give me a shout. What I could learn from
being around you would be priceless!
Andy Bulecza
Rack-N-Roll Farms |
Date: |
Feb 15, 2008 |
Name: |
George McConathy |
Email Address: | |
Country: |
Comments: |
Hi, Mary Ellen.
Just a quick note about Razz. I just love him more every time I ride
him. He's still a little "jumpy" when he encounters something new or
strange, but he's getting better. Of course I still love King's JR,
but Razz has really stolen my heart. I bought the DVD that Dr.
Womack narrated called "A Look Into The Past" and in it he states,
talking about Strolling Jim, "I just don't think there was ever a
horse more beautiful than he was." And I thought, that's exactly how
I feel about Razz. He goes into a flat walk and running walk so
amazingly easy, it makes me smile every time. I remember when I
bought him, the trainer you had at the time said he didn't think
Razz would canter. Well, he has the smoothest most wonderful canter
you could imagine. OK, I said a quick note and I'm rambling. Really,
I could probably talk all day about Razz.
George McConathy
p.s. Congratulations on your new home. I'll have to come and see the
new facility some time. |
Date: |
Jan 8, 2008 |
Name: |
Jennifer Church |
Email Address: | |
Country: |
Comments: |
This site is amazing! I am new to the world of
horses but my father has always owned at least one Tennessee Walking
Horse at all times. He bought a new one for my step-mother a few
weeks ago and he is really something. He does have world grand
champion blood as he is one of Merry Go Boys offspring. I can't wait
to see his papers again to see where he fits in and I can't wait to
show my dad your site! Thanks so much!
Jennifer Church
Chuckey TN |
Date: |
Jan 4, 2008 |
Name: |
Marian Betz |
Email Address: | |
Country: |
Comments: |
Great Web site! I learned a lot about my filly and her lineage
on this site. So many awesome horses to look at. My filly is a
gold cream champagne and has several WGC's in her bloodline. It
was nice to be able to look at some of them. She has Prides Gold
Coin, Pride of Midnight H.F., Sun's Delight D. and Ebony
Masterpiece to name a few on her pedigree. I am so proud to own
one of these fine animals. I am going to have her buggy trained
and for riding.
Thanks for the site!!
Marian Betz
Hohenwald, Tennessee
Date: |
Jan 4, 2008 |
Name: |
Lowell Bryan |
Email Address: |
earth-comm |
Country: |
Comments: |
I have never had
the privilege of owning a horse, but I just wanted to tell
you that in 1956, during my freshman year in high school, I
took Vocational Agriculture. That was, of course, not
uncommon for boys in west Texas. At any rate, in one of our
textbooks there was a photograph of the most beautiful horse
I had ever seen. His name was Midnight Sun. Until today I
had never seen another photograph of him, nor had I ever
heard anybody mention his name. The absolute astounding
beauty of that horse has stayed with me all these years, and
seeing him again on your website actually brought tears to
my eyes. I still believe he is the most beautiful animal I
have ever seen, and having grown up in ranching country and
been in close proximity to horses all my life, I have seen
thousands of them. None, however, can even come close to,
in my opinion, the King of horses, Midnight Sun.
Date: |
Dec 18, 2007 |
Name: |
Jim Smith |
Email Address: | |
Country: |
Comments: |
Mary Ellen,
I wanted to send you an update on Playboys Ranger. He made the trip
very well and has adjusted to his new home. He is a very good
horse and I can not help loving his personality, He comes over to
and sets his chin on my shoulder and wants to be rubbed. He will
me around the pasture, he is such a good boy. I have ridden him
about 30 minutes a day and he is such a fast learner. I wanted to
you for your help in getting him. I will keep an eye out on your
for others and Highly recommended your site. Just as an FYI
Transportation there in Frisco Tx was awesome, small company but
service, I would highly recommend him to transport in the future
number is 214-704-8162 his name is Neil Shillig. Again many thanks
Playboys Ranger.
PS . Will you still send his Papers or will that be Linda.
Jim Smith
Assistant Vice President
Date: |
Dec 13, 2007 |