Welcome to the Walkers West Guest

Please sign here to send us your comments,
and we will be pleased to add them here.
If you experience
any problems with the site,
please contact the webmaster,
Bansidhe Graphics
Tired of looking at horses?

Check out the
Walkers West Mini Mall Village
20+ stores for your shopping pleasure. |
Name: |
Regina Audet |
Email Address: |
ernie audet@gmvt.com
Country: |
Comments: |
Hi Walkers
West, like your website and your horses. I live in Bridgeport Vermont
and I was wondering if you had a good horse and I was wondering if you
had any western horses for sale. |
31/04 |
Name: |
Lindsay Audet |
Email Address: |
ernie audet@gmvt.com
Country: |
Comments: |
I like the
horse Jomop. He's your for sale horse and I think that he is a
beautiful horse. I think all of your horses are beautiful horses but I
really like Jomop. I like all of your horses and I think that your
website it is very cool and your horse Jomop I think is a very
handsome horse and the coolest horse |
31/04 |
Name: |
Jordan Carter |
Email Address: |
jordancarter10@aol.com |
Country: |
Comments: |
I love your
website. It is truly amazing and I love the pictures. I
am 9 and I enjoy your site. I live in Hamilton, Alabama.
Me and my uncle own a 200 foot long barn and we have stalls for rent.
Walkers West: I LOVE YOUR SITE ! |
30/04 |
Name: |
Jerry W. Harris |
Email Address: |
jerry@whatahorse.com |
Country: |
Comments: |
I reeally
like this site and you are right...... you do have a lot of
information about the Tennessee Walking Horse. |
29/04 |
Name: |
Logan T. Jenkins, Jr. |
Email Address: |
Jenkinsrawhide@aol.com |
Country: |
Comments: |
Found the
story of Tom Hal and Marion Kittrell of interest as I currently own
the old Kittrell farm, 3 miles out Coles Ferry Pike from Lebanon.
Kittrell's mansion still stands and I reside there although its front
has been remodeled. The large barn eventually fell down and was
removed. It had numbered stalls, granaries, and scales and there was
a blacksmith shop very close to it. It is located at 3215 Coles Ferry
pike, Lebanon 37087.
Logan Jenkins |
24/04 |
Name: |
Kalinka |
Email Address: |
Kalinka@hotmail.com |
Country: |
Zimbabwe |
Comments: |
Saluti da i nostri blog su
feed. |
24/04 |
Name: |
Jessica |
Email Address: |
Pookanooy@aol.com |
Country: |
Comments: |
Love the
site. I like Tennessee walker. |
24/04 |
Name: |
Karen Dawn Caplenor |
Email Address: |
Country: |
Comments: |
To Whom It
May Concern,
You have certainly taken pride in your web site and I admire your love
for these magnificent Horses and wanted you to know I appreciate the
time that has been taken in the information on Ebony Masterpiece.
I was doing some research on a Mare I have purchased EB'S Rambling
Her Great-Great Grandfather was but the Stunning, and breathtaking
Ebony Masterpiece.
I hope I have not troubled you with this small note, I was just so
excited to see some of her family tree. If she only knew what a grand
line of stock she came from, she would have even more assurance about
herself, than she already has.
Karen D. Caplenor
Lebanon, TN.
Happy Holidays |
20/04 |
Name: |
Rachel |
Email Address: |
I would rather not sign my e-mail address, please. |
Country: |
Comments: |
really like that you display your barn so people can look through it!
Your horses are gorgeous I especially like The Gold Rush is On, a
fabulous horse indeed! |
19/04 |
Name: |
Jordan Carter |
Email Address: |
Lekita_carter@Yahoo |
Country: |
Comments: |
I really
love your website and I like the pictures A LOT! |
16/04 |
Name: |
Kelli Robinson |
Email Address: |
johnpaulkelly@bellsouth.net |
Country: |
Comments: |
website. I am finally glad to see someone who truly loves this
magnificent animal enough to dedicate such a wonderful website to past
and present. |
12/04 |
Name: |
D&L Hoofprints Ranch |
Email Address: |
dlshem@egyptian.net |
Country: |
Comments: |
We own a
mare out of Merry Boys F-88, Allan F-1 shows on her papers. You have a
wonderful web site. Very informative. We are constantly searching for
"old blood" to breed her off-spring mares to. |
12/04 |
Name: |
Michael Mongold |
Email Address: |
jmpowerscore@cfl.rr.com |
Country: |
Comments: |
I would like
to thank you so much for such a wonderful web site to look at. All my
life I have loved horses, I had a show horse years ago. My dad sold
him with out me knowing it. It was due to my parents breaking up. I
had saved to get another one but due to the hurricanes I went through
in Florida I won't be able to. I am so grateful to find your site and
at least be able to look at the horses. Again thank you very much. |
05/04 |
Name: |
Ashley Browne |
Email Address: |
BelovedArabians@hotmail.com |
Country: |
Comments: |
Hey, I have
mailed you once before. I have fell in love with one of you Tennessee
Walkers. He is so gorgeous. But unfortunately I can't have a horse
just yet because I'm only 13 years old. I have loved Tennessee Walkers
a long time. But the lady I work for at Debut Arabians say its better
to get Arabians. I don't have the love for Arabians as much as I love
Tennessee Walkers. She tried to persuade me with a pic of an Arabian
with a high step because I said I love Tennessee Walkers because of
their walk, and because they have the most comfortable gait. Well
please email me back i love to hear from you. Bye-Bye, I always check
out your site. well, thanks. |
04/04 |
Name: |
Kasie Kimball |
Email Address: |
basketball_enemy_41@hotmail.com |
Country: |
Comments: |
HEY I just
read your page and I LOVED it. IT was the best. I have two horses of
my own. I have two Morgans, Pride and Firemaker. They are so
beautiful. Do you have any advice for me to help me understand their
moods. Because Pride has a stubborn problem, but I guess that is just
him. well thanks for your time. |
03/04 |
Name: |
doc |
Email Address: |
doc@bentoncounty.info |
Country: |
Comments: |
Nice website. |
01/04 |
Name: |
eze ala |
Email Address: |
ezeala@yahoo.fr |
Country: |
Austria |
Comments: |
i love this site very wellll |
01/04 |
Name: |
Gale |
Email Address: |
wildfire2002@maverickbbs.com |
Country: |
Comments: |
Hey Gals!! LOVE THIS WEBSITE!!!! FYI photo album 4 & 5 are identical. thought you might need to know that.....
Thanks, Gale... misdirected link.. it's
fixed now. : )) JH |
28/04 |
Name: |
Beth Patty |
Email Address: |
ljpatty@bellsouth.net |
Country: |
Comments: |
I love looking at the old foundation horses pictures and all the information about all of them. I could spend hours on your web site reading and looking. You have spent alot of time putting all this together. We have TWHs with some foundation blood lines and it was very interesting to see the similarities in conformation. Great informative web site!! |
28/04 |
Name: |
Mikela Hudson |
Email Address: |
huddoes@switfdsl.com.au |
Country: |
Australia |
Comments: |
i love horses and ponies that i want a pony or horse of my own but my mum and dad willn't buy me one even though the horse is low $6'000. i wish i could have one. |
27/04 |
Name: |
Kayla Joseph |
Email Address: |
TurtleBug@aol.com |
Country: |
Comments: |
i really like the puzzles |
26/04 |
Name: |
Ashlie |
Email Address: |
Cowgrl1345@AOL.COM |
Country: |
Comments: |
25/04 |
Name: |
worldclass high performance lab |
Email Address: |
worldclasscn@yahoo.com |
Country: |
Comments: |
Happy Thanksgiving - give thanks for your horses
Our Mission :
To Aid Horses In Achieving Top Performance,
Looks, Well Being and Excellence |
25/04 |
Name: |
Gary Hill |
Email Address: |
FtFrkGary@aol.com |
Country: |
Comments: |
I love your web site! See ya on Wed! Gary |
23/04 |
Name: |
Jackie Land |
Email Address: |
Country: |
Comments: |
Hi Ms. Mary
Ellen, Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed meeting you and
touring your barns and facilities and to thank you for allowing me to
take a ride on
The Boss. We really enjoyed our visit with you and your horses and
the other critters as well. We are looking forward to coming back down
and are planning to stay more than just overnight. Thank you for your
hospitality and for letting us enjoy a quick ride before we headed
out. Hopefully you will be able to join us when we come back to pick
up Miss Pushy. I am sure she is doing well. Let us know when she is
ready to breed. Thanks again, Jackie and Joe Land |
16/04 |
Name: |
Jennifer Mitchell |
Email Address: |
Soon2BWedd05@aol.com |
Country: |
Comments: |
I love your
all's web site, and i was wondering if you all could tell me how i
could contact the owners of The Touch and how to breed to him. please
e-mail me back thanks a lot.
Jennifer |
16/04 |
Name: |
Ashley Zsofka |
Email Address: |
c21dreamscometrue@yahoo.com |
Country: |
Comments: |
I love your
website! I too love Tennessee Walkers. I ride English, Western, and
bareback. I ride in Massachusetts at a barn called Green Brier farm. i
hope to visit you some day.
Hinsdale, MASS
Ashley |
16/04 |
Name: |
rhiannon mitchell |
Email Address: |
angel3_2010@yahoo.com |
Country: |
Comments: |
i love your
site i like how you keep it so organized look at your site every day
to see if anything has changed. I have been looking at the for sale
list. you have a lot of gorgeous horses.
rhiannon |
14/04 |
Name: |
jessica buss |
Email Address: |
restricted |
Country: |
Comments: |
I love your
website! Almost everyday i come on your website. I hope to earn the
amount of money to breed my horse [Dazzle] to Bum's Warrior pretty
soon. My days have come by and yours to. I'm going to tell you a
little about myself. I've been riding horses since i was 6. I've
always loved Tennessee Walkers since i was little. I have very little
friends so i'm lonely. The only friends i have is my 2 horses
[Sundance and Dazzle]. Sundance is a Appaloosa Quarter Horse and he is
24 years old. Dazzle is a registered palomino Quarter Horse and is
about 13 years old. I also live in Georgia.
Jessica Buss |
12/04 |
Name: |
Barbara Bellavia
Email Address: |
babs7979@aol.com |
Country: |
Comments: |
website and gorgeous horses. You definitely have what it takes to
produce and continue your success. Best regards! |
12/04 |
Name: |
Hannah Weinberg |
Email Address: |
boots21884@yahoo.com |
Country: |
Comments: |
Having come
and visited Walkers West on the internet many times over the past year
and half have been very informative for me. I was excited and happy to
see the Colt's College, because I have a yearling filly that I want to
show next year and it will be very helpful to come back and check to
see if I'm doing things correctly. Thanks for a wonderful website to
visit! |
9/04 |
Name: |
alyssa |
Email Address: |
Country: |
Comments: |
i love your
website! i'm horse-crazy! i ride at green township stables. i ride
western. i'm looking for a barrel racing/trail buddy -Alyssa age:11
Ohio |
9/04 |
Name: |
Dale Woodall |
Email Address: |
dale.woodall@mail.state.ar.us |
Country: |
Comments: |
I have the
good fortune to own one of your horses and that is how I found you.
Thanks for all the help you have been in helping me run down papers
for A Temptation and giving me some background on him. I am somewhat
new to Tennessee Walkers but have had horses all my life. Thanks again
for putting up with all my questions. |
9/04 |
Name: |
wanda smith |
Email Address: |
shortcut2u2@aol.com |
Country: |
Comments: |
I love your
web site I have learned so much about the history of the walking horse
. I have got to see pictures of my horses great sires and it just
really has meant a lot to me to visit this site. thank you!!! |
7/04 |
Name: |
Email Address: |
Country: |
Comments: |
I have
really enjoyed your website, it's has more info than other I have
seen, and I love the legends, all in info right there, I just think
it's wonderful, and have passed it on to some of my horse show buddies
and they loved it also. Thank you for sharing it with everyone.
Lora Lawrence
Jackson, Tn. |
7/04 |
Name: |
Kelvin Elzie |
Email Address: |
n/a |
Country: |
Comments: |
I really
enjoyed visiting these site. I enjoy looking at great looking horses
and these are some great looking horses. I am a big Tennessee Walker
fan and if I ever visit Dallas I would like to stop in for a visit. |
2/04 |
Name: |
Melinda Lovely |
Email Address: |
melindalovely@msn.com |
Country: |
Comments: |
i am looking
for information on a mare named Another Hopeful Star, sired by Another
Masterpiece. |
28/04 |
Name: |
penny |
Email Address: |
angel_eyes_61880@yahoo.com |
Country: |
Comments: |
hello i was
just browsing. And i came to your website. i writing to tell you that
i think u have a lot of beautiful horses and i loved looking at them. |
25/04 |
Name: |
Jeannie Jackson |
Email Address: |
Calamityjeannie@aol.com |
Country: |
Comments: |
Just visited
your website and and am interested in importing a Tennessee Walker
mare. Really enjoyed visiting your site |
24, 2004 |
Name: |
Ashley Browne |
Email Address: |
Darkangelmiyoko@hotmail.com |
Country: |
Comments: |
Hey! I
love horses. My mom said that i could get a Tennessee Walker! even
though I'm only thirteen. A lady named Lane Williams is training me to
ride English saddle! well got to go! |
19/04, 2004 |
Name: |
Brandie Desso |
Email Address: |
Desso6869@westel.com |
Country: |
Comments: |
I love Walkers West because I love Tennessee Walking Horses,
and I love horses. |
16/04, 2004 |
Name: |
Marsha Tatroe |
Email Address: |
topsekret@mcsi.net |
Country: |
Comments: |
I visited
your Web site, and want to tell you that I really liked it a lot.
Your horses look wonderful too. I live in Roseburg Oregon. ....
I sure enjoyed your web site. Have a great day.
Later Marsh |
16/04, 2004 |
Name: |
Gaye Morton |
Email Address: |
royallegs@hotmail.com |
Country: |
Comments: |
Hey Mary
Since I can't visit in person much right now, I check out your website
which has become gloriously COMPLEX!! So many interesting features.
And I can assuage my homesickness by looking at pictures of the barn
and yard of WW. That's as close as I get to Kaufman sometimes;-)
I should be home in November a couple of times and I'll try to catch
you at home. Love the kitty pictures!!
Love, Gaye |
16/04, 2004 |
Name: |
Edward smith |
Email Address: |
esmith@ofallon.mo.us |
Country: |
Comments: |
I am a
mounted police officer, and I ride a Tennessee Walker by the name of
Merlin's Plum Right. His paper work/bloodline shows Midnight Sun in
his bloodline. I was wondering if I could find out more about him and
his bloodline. He is the best police horse this department has ever
seen, and I would like to know more about his history.
officer Ed Smith. |
15/04, 2004 |
Name: |
Megan |
Email Address: |
basketball_GURL_3391@msn.com |
Country: |
Comments: |
I love horses and your site rocks! All of the horses on
your website are simply gorgeous!!!!!!!!!! The virtual tour is tons of fun, too!
I will definitely be back! |
10/04, 2004 |
Name: |
sharon fletcher |
Email Address: |
kysweetipy@aol.com |
Country: |
Comments: |
just wanted
to let u know your site is great. i was researching my horses
bloodlines and your site helped me a great deal. found out she has a
lot of famous bloodlines! once again, your site is great! sharon |
9/04, 2004 |
Name: |
Jordan Carter |
Email Address: |
Lekita_carter2001@yahoo.com |
Country: |
Comments: |
I am 9years
old and have attended the Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebration
for the past four years. I live in Hamilton, Alabama and I have
enjoyed your web-site for some time now.
Jordan Carter |
8, 2004 |
Name: |
Toni Light |
Email Address: |
themoonlightranch@yahoo.com |
Country: |
Comments: |
We are from
Bosque County (Next to McLennan County). We are looking for a stallion
to breed to our mare next spring. She is a Ebony's Masterpiece mare
and she was bred in June. We would like to come up sometime to see
your stallions. |
4, 2004 |
Name: |
Eva Hubbard |
Email Address: |
hubspaint@hotmail.com |
Country: |
Comments: |
site. We just purchased a 7 month old colt out of some of the same
blood lines as Go Boy's Shadow and Midnight Sun, Merry Go Boy, Mack
K's Handshaker. Our colt's mother was Sir Sid's Jan R out of Winston's
Sir Sid And Handshaker Jan R. Thank you for such a wonderful web
site. |
Sept 20, 2004 |
Name: |
Mariah |
Email Address: |
lucky9421@hotmail.com |
Country: |
Comments: |
This site is
soooooooooo cool! I have a walker and not only are they smooth, they
have a great personality and are beautiful animals! Happy Trails! |
Sept 20, 2004 |
Name: |
Ashley Sutton |
Email Address: |
loulou22@earthlink.net |
Country: |
Comments: |
I love your
horses, they are very beautiful. You have a great website. |
Sept 20, 2004 |
Name: |
T Ghent |
Email Address: |
tghent@ftc-i.net |
Country: |
Comments: |
I have spent
many hours on your website and have learned a lot about the ancestry
of my 2 walkers and the breed in general. Indeed you have spent an
immense amount of time on your website, and it is greatly
appreciated. I revisit frequently and it's always interesting.
Thanks for such a great and informative website! |
Sept 19, 2004 |
Name: |
mike baggett |
Email Address: |
Country: |
Comments: |
i was
surprised to find your website one night at the hospital i work at in
plattsburgh, n.y. i miss you and enjoyed seeing pictures of old
friends and favorite horses. |
Sept 17, 2004 |
Name: |
Debra Pace |
Email Address: |
dspchevy@wmconnect.com |
Country: |
Comments: |
Sept 16, 2004 |
Name: |
Holly Thornhill |
Email Address: |
mustangirl7204@yahoo.com |
Country: |
Comments: |
Hello, I
heard about your farm in the Horse Illustrated magazine. 'm sorry
about Midnight Sun and all the other horses that have died. I love all
of the horses that you have in your barn. I like the virtual tour of
your barn too. I hope to hear from you soon.
Holly Thornhill |
Sept 12, 2004 |
Name: |
Ashleigh Schloithe |
Email Address: |
N/A |
Country: |
Comments: |
I am 10
years old,& enjoyed looking at your web site. I liked the
Palomino horses. Thank you, Ashleigh. |
Sept 10, 2004 |
Name: |
Kristen & Cristina |
Email Address: |
bchsprinkles@aol.com |
Country: |
Comments: |
We greatly
thank you for such a great web site. it is great to have such a
positive site showing the wonderful TW Horse. Thanks Again.
Kristen .A. Thompson &
Cristina .M. Beach |
Sept 7, 2004 |
Name: |
sophia |
Email Address: |
twh_girl@netzero.com |
Country: |
Comments: |
Thanks for
telling all of us who won the 2004 World Grand Championships and
saving us from the wait of getting the monthly Voice! I am a big
Shout fan, do you know what place she got? Thanks a million!
P.S. Your site is unbeatable!
SHOUT, ridden
Sammy Day for
Keith Baker family,
placed 6th in the
Walking Horse Championship.
- - Webmaster
Sept 6, 2004 |
Name: |
Kristen A. Thompson |
Email Address: |
donnaps23@aol.com |
Country: |
Comments: |
I think your
site is lovely. The music is very relaxing and really sets the
importance of pages like the one about Midnight Sun. Thanks for
showing people the true spirit in the Tennessee Walking Horse. |
Sept 4, 2004 |
Name: |
Nico |
Email Address: |
nico.perotti@tiscali.it |
Country: |
Italy |
Comments: |
Your horses
are totally awesome!!!! Continue this way!!!
Nico |
Sept 3, 2004 |
Name: |
Stephaine Hoskins |
Email Address: |
snow_glitters@hotmail.com |
Country: |
Canada |
Comments: |
I think your
horses are the most beautiful animals I've ever seen!!! |
Sept 2, 2004 |
Name: |
Beth Vaughan |
Email Address: |
eaglerock@web-access.net |
Country: |
Comments: |
hi Mary
Ellen. Kim and I have sure enjoyed PJ for what little bit of time we
have had him. I'd sure like to email you pictures but can't seem to
find your email address. he sure is happy and is doing very well. hope
all is well in Kaufman. thanks again for all you have done for us and
those others that enjoy TWH's. Beth Vaughan |
Sept 2, 2004 |
Name: |
Julie Holt |
Email Address: |
PBJH@peoplepc.com |
Country: |
Comments: |
I have
enjoyed my tour of your facility. I have been able to learn more
about the breed and the spectacular blood lines that is bred into my
Walking horse. I've seen pictures of horses I've only heard about.
Thank you for the pleasure of viewing these great legends and I will
be passing the word of the Tennessee Walking Horse and your stable to
all I know. |
Sept 2, 2004 |
Name: |
timothy a. holmes |
Email Address: |
doctim2@yahoo.com |
Country: |
Comments: |
I am a
police officer here in New Orleans, la. i was born and raised in
Tylertown, MS. I miss riding so i am doing a little research so that i
can purchase my own horse. i enjoyed your website. |
26, 2004 |
Name: |
Suzanne Oliver |
Email Address: |
gentian_hill@hotmail.com |
Country: |
Comments: |
Thank you
for a wonderful visit to your fantastic web site! Will consult you
when we decide to breed our TWH mare! Greetings from Salisbury, North
Carolina ! |
25, 2004 |
Name: |
Shelley Strohl |
Email Address: |
srsdogs@ptd.net |
Country: |
Comments: |
What a
fabulous time I have had exploring this site! The ghost horses are
wonderful, especially the words and stories from the people who knew
them. As a 12 yr. old, I had an opportunity to ride a TWH, retired
from the show ring after an un fortunate trailer accident. Nearly 40
yrs. later, myself a retired thoroughbred jockey, I can hardly wait to
find my own "first" TWH; my "perfect horse!" I hope we will meet
someday so I can thank you personally for building and maintaining
such a special online tribute to the breed we love. |
24, 2004 |
Name: |
Gail and Bill Coffee |
Email Address: |
bgcoffee@earthlink.com |
Country: |
Comments: |
22, 2004 |
Name: |
Mary Jarvis |
Email Address: |
wjarvis@cox-internet.com |
Country: |
Comments: |
Mary Ellen,
Wonderful website! I hope Wayne, Helen and I can come to see you and
your beautiful ranch soon. Mary |
21, 2004 |
Name: |
Wanda & Larry Tucker |
Email Address: |
wstuc@shreve.net |
Country: |
Comments: |
Website is
very well done and we love the music! Very beautiful horses. |
21, 2004 |
Name: |
Jennifer |
Email Address: |
Jennifer_gray_49888@hotmail.com |
Country: |
Comments: |
Hi, I am 13
yrs. old. I just love your website. I cannot wait till i grow up to
have a farm just like yours! I love all your horses and I am trying to
save money to buy one of your horses, but it seems like it is going to
take me a while. But I am inspired to buy just one then i will be
satisfied. I have a Tennessee Walker Half Rocky Mountain and I just a
adore him. He was starved to (almost) death and I wanted to save him
so we bought him from this really mean guy and he made us pay a
fortune but, i think it was worth it. Now he is just a happy boy that
eats a lot! He is the best horse I have every had. If you have a cheap
show horse you are selling please contact me so I can see If I have
enough money. Thank you and I hope you go far! |
21, 2004 |
Name: |
Jill Miller |
Email Address: |
ausmill@aol.com |
Country: |
Comments: |
Love your
website and all of the horses in the barn! We are hoping for a trip to
Walkers West in the near future and, who knows, maybe bringing
"someone" back with us!
Jill Miller
Visha Daniec |
Aug 20, 2004 |
Name: |
Robbin Javier |
Email Address: |
rjphilips@aol.com |
Country: |
Comments: |
Great site
loved it...looking forward to coming for a visit. |
Aug 20, 2004 |
Name: |
mary helen c. martin |
Email Address: |
mhcmartin@hotmail.com |
Country: |
Comments: |
site. Betty Sain wrote me and told me to look at it. Great looking
Bum's horse!
Mary Helen C. Martin |
10, 2004 |
Name: |
Gary R. Davidson |
Email Address: |
g2rdav@scrtc.com |
Country: |
Comments: |
I am the one
who raised Allen's Royal Threat. I am glad He is doing
well. |
9, 2004 |
Name: |
Brooke Blackwell |
Email Address: |
kittygirl1262@netscape.net |
Country: |
Comments: |
i love
your website. now i m going to go on it everyday because my internet
is working!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
5, 2004 |
Name: |
Email Address: |
maytag01@bellsouth.net |
Country: |
Comments: |
I am
interested in purchasing a Tennessee Walker in the very near future.
Could you please place me in your address book and notify me if
anything comes up.
Greg |
4, 2004 |
Name: |
Email Address: |
Country: |
Comments: |
1, 2004 |
Name: |
Jackson Stokes |
Email Address: |
howardstokes@bellsouth.net |
Country: |
Comments: |
I thought
this was a very nice and informative site. Good pictures nice looking
horses and I really enjoyed the barn tour. You by far have one of the
best Tennessee Walking Horse websites there is. I own a small farm
myself nothing the size of yours. All I own is Tennessee Walking
Horses. Thanks for such a great website. |
July 27, 2004 |
Name: |
Erica evans |
Email Address: |
bmxcrazies@hotmail.com |
Country: |
Comments: |
Your site is
wonderful!!!!! We really enjoy being on the web and looking at the
stallions, foals, WGCs, and your staff and what they do. I have really
been wanting to know how old all your stallions are? Maybe we will
see you at a show. what sanction do you ride in? I ride walking.
well e-mail me back!!!!! thanks Erica |
July 27, 2004 |
Name: |
Brooke Blackwell
Email Address: |
kittygirl1262 |
Country: |
Comments: |
i really
like the website and the first time i was on it was with my best
friend Victoria. i am really inspired to ride horses and jump horses.
i love your website. i am going to go on it almost everyday. i am
going to go on it every time i can. i probably wont be on for a while
though i am on my aunt Karen's computer because my computer tower has
something wrong with. it e-mail me when you can! Bye! |
July 25, 2004 |
Name: |
Kim and Beth Vaughan |
Email Address: |
eaglerock@web-access.net |
Country: |
Comments: |
We were very
impressed with the facilities, and the knowledgeable staff on hand.
everyone was willing to help with any questions that my husband and i
had about the horses and their previous history. after just a few
hours talking and looking at several of the horses in question, my
husband and i left with the purchase of a beautiful horse. i want to
thank Mary Ellen and her staff for their patience and experience, it
definitely made a difference on our decision. |
July 23, 2004 |
Name: |
Beverely Nichols |
Email Address: |
Country: |
Comments: |
enjoyed the web site a lot ,, great job with all the information on
the Tennessee Walking horse breed. I personally own 8 of the breed and
found it very interesting to look at the pictures you had of all the
past WGC's. |
July 20, 2004 |
Name: |
Asaba Owerri |
Email Address: |
Country: |
Comments: |
I love this
page. It looks really nice. Keep it up. |
July 20, 2004 |
Name: |
Betty Tate |
Email Address: |
Country: |
Comments: |
Website. Well thought out and presented. |
July 20, 2004 |
Name: |
Kitten Dowden |
Email Address: |
Country: |
Comments: |
July 20, 2004 |
Name: |
Cindy Sinclair |
Email Address: |
GreyRan@netscape.net |
Country: |
Comments: |
I love your
web page. Your love & respect for T.W.'s comes thru loud and clear. My
husband and I just purchased a home on one acre. As soon as we are set
up I will give you a call and pay you a visit. I have been waiting 30
years for this to all come together. I had a T.W. in 1975 named
Gotcha. He was a dream horse come true. Never stop dreaming! Hope to
see you soon!!! Cindy |
July 19, 2004 |
Name: |
Marcia Doherty |
Email Address: |
marcia69@earthlink.net |
Country: |
Comments: |
Mary Ellen -
You've got a nice array of horses for sell there. I love that
buckskin yearling and Pusher gelding. Hope all is well. I miss you
guys. Bucky and Charlotte are doing fine. Charlotte is 32 1/2 now.
Marcia |
July 18, 2004 |
Name: |
rebecca |
Email Address: |
badgirl594 |
Country: |
Comments: |
i really
liked your page and i will come back. |
July 12, 2004 |
Name: |
Victoria |
Email Address: |
hunter_jumper_01@yahoo.com |
Country: |
Comments: |
I am in love
with your website and horses... I get on your website everyday...I
love Powder River and hope that he went to a good home... your
friend... |
July 12, 2004 |
Name: |
Ginger Hirsch |
Email Address: |
gthunderhorse@aol.com |
Country: |
Comments: |
this web
site is A-one! |
July 10, 2004 |
Name: |
Erin Barr |
Email Address: |
bearslilgirl2008@yahoo.com |
Country: |
Comments: |
I just got done looking at your horses. They are beautiful horses
and we want to buy three but we can not afford any right know. These
horses are beautiful and i hope that they go to nice homes. Thanks
Erin Barr of Early TX. |
July 8, 2004 |
Name: |
John D Seawright |
Email Address: |
jds@arbbs.net |
Country: |
Comments: |
Thank you
for the courtesies extended to us during our phone visit. You have
been very helpful.
Your website ranks among the very best that we have encountered,
John D. Seawright
The Oaks Horse Farm. L.L.C. |
July 6, 2004 |
Name: |
Sarah Boykin |
Email Address: |
sarahboykin@yahoo.com |
Country: |
Comments: |
I graduate
nursing school in May 2005, and one of the first things I'm going to
do after that is visit Walkers West to find the biggest, sweetest
Tennessee Walker gelding I can find! I visit your site often to
daydream. Thanks for making such a great place to visit world-class
See you in May, 2005,
Sarah Boykin |
July 5, 2004 |
Name: |
Lisa B |
Email Address: |
leesgarden@juno.com |
Country: |
Comments: |
I love your
site, and your TW's are beautiful! I am bringing home my very
first TW, pure black gelding, 3 years old - I can't wait!! So I
have enjoyed looking at your site and seeing what beautiful horses
they are. :) |
July 5, 2004 |
Name: |
Emily |
Email Address: |
samose@surewest.net |
Country: |
Comments: |
You have a
very cool thing where you walk through the barn. |
July 1, 2004 |
Name: |
Megan Coleman |
Email Address: |
Country: |
Comments: |
I just
wanted to tell you how much I love your website. I was fortunate
enough to own two of my own Tennessee Walkers when I was younger.
Rena, my chestnut mare was a great granddaughter of Midnight Sun, and
Tucker, my black gelding is a grandson of Gen's Armed and Dangerous.
Unfortunately, I had to sell my "babies", but I look forward to
purchasing another (or more) Tennessee Walkers as soon as I graduate
college next spring (May 2005). If I move anywhere in your area, your
farm will be my first choice. Beautiful facilities, and beautiful
horses! I wish you the best in the future! |
June 29, 2004 |