 1998 to 2017 |
World Grand Champion
in 2003 |
Going The Whole
Nine Yards in 2003 - What a prophetic slogan and a truly prophetic
name for a truly great horse! When The Whole Nine Yards
and Bill Bobo were crowned the 2003 World Grand Champions, it was
the climax of a spectacular show ring career.
Owned by Luanne
Sigman, and trained by Bill Bobo, 'Nine' was destined to be a
champion. He is by the 1994 World Grand Champion, Gen's Armed and
Dangerous, and out of Cash's Blossom, by the 1987 World Grand
Champion, Coin's Hard Cash. Other greats appearing on his papers
include Prides Generator, Ebony Masterpiece, Pride's Gold Coin,
Pride of Midnight HF, Midnight Sun and Merry Go Boy. With ancestors
like that, greatness is definitely in the stars.
Bob and Luanne Sigman have owned Nine since he was a yearling and it
was their son, Rob, who gave him his fitting name. Purchased
initially as an amateur mount for Luanne, it soon became apparent
that Nine's future lay in a higher realm. He proved to be
phenomenally gifted in both ability and personality.
Nine began his
career at Larry Wheelan's barn and following the Sigman purchase,
he was put in training with Brent Coburn. As a three-year-old, he
was placed with Greg Lute, who was to have significant impact on
the young horse's career. Showing in Kentucky and middle
Tennessee, Greg and Nine consistently found themselves in the
ribbons. At this tine, the charismatic stallion began gathering
the crowd of fans that followed him all the way to the roses in
2003. His crowd appeal became evident at the 2001 Celebration
where he and Greg made the workout and went on to place fifth in
the Three-Year-Old World Championship. |

Photo submitted by
Anna Whitaker |
When Greg stopped
training in 2002, Nine was moved to Bill Bobo's stables. Bill
recalls, "When I got the call from Luanne, I really was so excited
and I felt he was a blessing from the Lord. I'm just tickled to
death to have been chosen to ride him". To say the decision to place
Nine with Bill was a good one is a big understatement.
In 2002, they won
both the Four-Year-Old Stallion World Championship and the
Four-Year-Old World Grand Championship. Nine was then named
Four-Year-Old Horse of the Year by the Walking Horse Trainers'
Association and voted Walking Horse Report Readers' Choice
Four-Year-Old Horse of the Year.
In 2003, they racked up victories at the Trainers' Show and the
Columbia Spring Jubilee before winning the Aged Stallions World
Championship and the World Grand Championship.
In their two
years together, Bill and Nine have shown the magic 'nine' times.
They actually chose to abbreviate the 2003 season so it would
work out that way. They have won nine blue ribbons, eight of
which were by unanimous decision. |

Discussing Nine
after the Celebration, Bill states, "He's just one of those horses
that people want to see, like a great athlete. That kind of horse just
doesn't come along but once, maybe twice, in a lifetime. The first one
I had was Pride's Gold Coin. I think, like Gold Coin, Nine will go on
to put a mark on the breed. Everybody that's been connected to him so
far has benefited in countless ways, and whoever ends up standing him
will be very fortunate. His class of horses - those born the same year
as him, is outstanding - many just dominated as five-year-olds. For
Nine to come out at the top of that class really says something about
him. He made us all look good and I give all the glory to God for
creating such an incredible animal and placing him in my hands." |
Nine was indeed
the magic number in 2003, from the back number worn by Bill, to the
nine show ring appearances and nine blue ribbons, to the nine years
that have passed since Nine's sire, Gen's Armed And Dangerous won
the World Grand Championship. It was indeed The Whole Nine
Yard's year!!!
Plans for Nine's
future include standing at stud at Womack Stables at Glen Oaks
Farms. As for where he will be exhibited over the next year, Luanne
says they'll leave those decisions up to Bill Bobo. There is no
doubt, however, that Nine and Bill will be a significant presence
over the next year, and that the University of Tennessee home coming
crowd better be ready for one heck of a show.
January, 2017 - the industry is saddened by the loss of this great horse. Rest in peace, Nine. |
Original Message -----
From: connie bobo
To: walkerswest@walkerswest.com
Sent: Friday, March 24, 2006 5:56 AM
have just read your beautiful tribute to 9. It was so beautiful!
I am sitting here with tears streaming down as much of this
night I do not remember because of a concussion. So, thank you
for this wonderful page. I usually look at your web
site ......... I don't know how I missed this. I am extremely
sentimental this morning as we have just had our first "9" baby
born alive ( we lost our first two). I just wanted you to know
how much I appreciated this story and how much it meant to me.
If its alright with you I would like to print it out for Bill's
scrap book..
Thanks Again,
Connie Bobo
Bobo Farms Inc |
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, September 25, 2010 9:37 AM
Subject: Feedback From Walkers Website
First I would like
to tell you how much I have enjoyed reading and looking at your
website. Well Done!
I went with a
friend yesterday to look at a little mustang some people
were trying to sell. Boy was I surprised when we walked the
mustang into the tacking up room and saw a huge picture of
The Whole Nine Yards on the wall, this just days after I had
been looking at all the WGC's on your website. When I asked
about it they told me that he had been there for awhile,
that's when it dawned on me that the sign out front said
Greg Lute Walking horses! Of course then I had to really
take a good look around. I am not sure how many stalls where
in that barn but I am guessing about 42 and the saddest part
of all they were all empty. I guess another era gone. But as
I stood in the main isle way I let my imagination run wild
and I filled all those stalls with great TWH's and it was
amazing! I wish I had been there when Nine was there it
would have been great to meet this amazing horse and the
people associated with him. It was still a neat experience
Thank you for
such a wonderful site! Keep up the good work!
Thank you for such a
nice email. The Whole Nine Yards was a great World Champion - I
saw him win...... In fact, there is a video of him on my
website -
What state are you in? I don't think I knew Greg Lute but would
probably have liked to know him.
Thank you for the kind words about the website. Come see us if
you are ever in the North Texas area.
If you have a story or photos of THE WHOLE
NINE YARDS that you would like added to this page, please forward them
to Walkers West.

