World Grand Champion in 2004 |

(1998-2008) |
The Black Night
Shade was foaled in the spring of 1998. He was sired by Poison, out
of Final's Call Girl. J. Mack Chandler bred him. Night
Shade was orphaned twelve days after his birth, when his dam died of
a bout of colic. Chandler knew that if the orphaned colt was to
survive, he would require special attention and he delivered the
special foal to the care of Bobby Mulvey and Judy Stephens of
Shelbyville, Tenn.
Mulvey and Stephens
were not only responsible for the colt's special care, they came up
with his unique name. “We were going through a medical book
looking under poison, due to the name of his sire and found Black
Night Shade, a type of poisonous plant often found in Tennessee,”
stated Stephens.
During the first two weeks of his life, he required feeding from a
bottle every hour. “He liked goat’s milk and I used to drive to
Fayetteville, Tenn., to get it for him during his early days,” said
Chandler. The long days of attention and care brought the young colt
through his unfortunate start in life and when he was about 16 months
old, Chandler made the decision to deliver the colt to Formac Stables
in Union City, TN, to see what he was really made of. Although the
colt was small for his age, and tall and thin, Jimmy quickly
recognized Night Shade's potential, and accepted him for training. He
relates, "Even from day one, he showed a lot of natural ability and
personality." After about 30 days of work, trainer Jimmy McConnell
realized that the colt had a lot of natural ability that might be
developed into something more. |
When Mack Chandler decided to sell The Black Night Shade, he contacted
Tom and Judy Waite. Tom recalls, "Jimmy thought the horse was special,
and he didn't want him to leave his barn. Judy and I decided to buy
him and leave him with Jimmy." That colt, Waite’s first show horse
which he bought sight unseen, was The Black Night Shade. So The Black
Night Shade and Jimmy McConnell were set on the road to show ring

While McConnell knew the young colt had ability, he really had no idea
that he would develop into a Tennessee Walking Horse World Grand
Champion. “No, we didn’t know that he would turn into what he has.
Remember, he was a small, skinny colt in the beginning. It’s really
taken him until this year to overcome the way he was raised. We had to
progress with him slow, but as time went along, he got stronger and
stronger and developed into what he is today,” stated McConnell. |
In 2000, due to his slow start, Night Shade was shown sparingly, but
capturing wins at Collierville, Tenn.’s Cotton Classic in Jackson,
Tenn.’s Mid-South Show and Baton Rouge, La.’s Dixie Jubilee. “He got a
ribbon at The Celebration,” said McConnell, “but he really wasn’t
ready for that yet.
In 2001, his victories included the Dixie Jubilee, Fred T. Fowler
Memorial Classic, Wartrace, and the Celebration where he was crowned
Three-Year-Old World Champion Stallion. The owner and trainer really
started to realize that they might have a horse that could be
something special. “When he won his Three-Year-Old Stallion
preliminary, that’s when we knew that we might just have THE horse,”
said Waite. Night Shade finished 2001 off strong by capturing the
Three-Year-Old Stallion preliminary and the North American
Three-Year-Old Grand Championship at Baton Rouge, La.’s Dixie Jubilee
that fall. |
In 2002, The Black Night Shade really came into his own. However, the
road to acclaim doesn’t come without some setbacks. McConnell said that
Night Shade had trouble in the ring at the National Trainers’ Show.
“He wasn’t himself and at first we weren’t sure why. We knew he had
stomach ulcers, but we thought we had that problem under control. But,
what we thought was a cure turned out to just be a treatment. His
ulcers had returned and he was just hurting in the ring.” |
Once that obstacle had been overcome, the team hoped for smooth
sailing ahead. However, that was not the case. When the team hit the
ring at Panama City, Fla.‘s Gulf Coast Charity Celebration, Night
Shade had trouble with his canter, something very uncharacteristic for
a McConnell trained horse. “Needless to say, I was frustrated with
him. So, I just decided to take him back in the Stake Class on
Saturday night.” The Waite’s were not aware of Jimmy’s decision and
had decided not to go to the show that evening. “We had gone to
Captain Anderson’s to eat and just happened to stop by the show on the
way home,” said Waite. “When we got to the show, Sister Milligan saw
us and the first thing she said was ’Tom Waite, you’d better get up
here. You’re horse is going in the ring.” |
McConnell’s last minute decision proved to be wise, because on that
evening the team topped an outstanding division of Aged competition
and may have turned the corner that night. The rest of his
Four-Year-Old season, with the exception of the Tennessee Walking
Horse National Celebration, Night Shade was shown in Walking Horse
Stake classes capturing wins at the Germantown, Tenn. Charity Horse
Show, Brownsville, Tenn., the International Grand Championships and
the Dixie Jubilee.
His show ring success continued into the 2003 show season as McConnell
and Night Shade topped competition throughout the south with wins at
the Gallatin, Tenn. Lions Club Horse Show, dual wins at Germantown,
Tenn.’s Charity Horse Show, Bethesda, Tenn., and the Belfast, Tenn.
Lions Club Horse Show prior to the 2003 Celebration.
As the stage was set for the 2003 Celebration, McConnell, Night Shade
and the Waites made their ultimate goal quite clear. They intended to
win the favor of the judges and the fans and take home the Tennessee
Walking Horse World Grand Championship. That goal was almost met. The
team topped their division of the Aged Stallion preliminary and
garnered the title of Reserve World Grand Champion. |
The Waite and McConnell partnership didn’t let the Reserve performance
get them down. “I thought the horse was terrific that night. I knew
that we had the horse and I knew we had the trainer. The fact we
didn’t win that night didn’t serve as a discouragement for even a
minute,” said Tom Waite. “I told Jimmy we’d be back.” |
And back they were, indeed. From that night forward, the combination of
The Black Night Shade and Jimmy McConnell remained undefeated
finishing off the 2003 season with repeat wins at the International
Grand Championships and the Dixie Jubilee and continued into 2004 with
pre Celebration wins at the National Trainers’ Show, the Gulf Coast
Charity Show and the Germantown Charity Show. |

It was the National Trainers’ Show performance that stands out in the
mind of Judy Waite as a very special moment. “Up until the Trainers’
Show, we hadn’t really had the support of the crowd. But, when Jimmy
and Night Shade hit the ring at the Trainers’ Show, the crowd roared.
That was very special. The crowd finally realized the talent that we
had always seen.”
Night Shade then went on to wins at the Gulf Coast Charity Show and
Germantown. It was on to the Celebration. He came into his
preliminary looking stronger than ever, and handily won a unanimous
decision. It was the second year in a row that he claimed the
Walking Stallions, Five and Over World Championship and he hence
retired all the applicable challenge trophies. The only
accomplishment left for The Black Night Shade and Jimmy McConnell was
the World Grand Championship. |
Nine outstanding contenders made the call for the 2004 World Grand
Championship, including horses such as Main Power, He's Outlaw Josey
Wales, Cash's All Star, Pusher's High Voltage, and Shout - all very
serious contenders. In the end, after flawlessly performing all three
gaits and steadily improving through a lengthy workout, it was yet
another unanimous decision for The Black Night Shade and Jimmy
McConnell. The crowd went wild as the orphaned horse with all the
walk, and the respected, seasoned trainer who had never claimed the
ultimate prize made their victory pass with the roses. |
McConnell stated that the win was a very special moment for him.
“Winning the World Grand Championship is the ultimate goal of every
horse trainer, but to win it all with a horse that you started and
showed throughout his career, that makes it all the more special.”
McConnell said that he was never discouraged by his three reserve
World Grand Championships leading up to this win. “It kind of makes
you wonder if they’re just trying to get rid of us,” McConnell joked.
“But, no, I was never discouraged. I knew I had the horse and I had
the owners that truly were capable of winning it all.”
Looking back, Tom and Judy Waite were quick to note that they wouldn’t
change a thing about The Black Night Shade experience. “It was worth
it all. Every penny spent, every mile driven, every hour of sleep lost
along the way,” said Tom Waite. “It was just wonderful, everything and
everybody have been simply wonderful,” echoed wife Judy. Tom
continued, “We had fun. And we’re going to have more fun.” |
While the Waites’ understand that the immediate success they achieved
is very unusual in this business, they intend to remain heavily
involved in the Tennessee Walking Horse industry. “This is not the
finale, it’s just the beginning of a new era,” said Tom. When asked
where they intended to go from here, Gail McConnell, Jimmy McConnell’s
wife quickly chimed in with a quick answer, “We’re gonna sell them
another one, another Night Shade. No problem, we’ll just sell them
another Night Shade.” |
Don’t we all wish it was that easy. No decisions have been made at
this time about The Black Night Shade’s future. “Obviously, we’ve
thought about what the future holds, but no firm decisions have been
made. We’re going to have his semen tested and make some decisions on
his breeding program very soon,” said Waite. And, with Bob and Luanne
Sigman’s decision not to retire 2003 World Grand Champion, The Whole
Nine Yards, the obvious question was would they retire Night Shade.
Again, they responded that no decision had been made at this time. |
While the plans for
the future may be incomplete, The Black Night Shade, trainer Jimmy
McConnell and owners Tom and Judy Waite have secured their place in
Tennessee Walking Horse history. |
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If you have a story or photos of THE BLACK NIGHT SHADE that you would like added to
this page, please forward them to
Walkers West.

<==2003 2005==> |
