At the end of a
very tense and controversial Celebration, Gameworld and Gary
Edwards have been crowned the 2011 World Grand Champions! Folsom
Prison Blues won Reserve.
Gameworld, a lovely six year old, sorrel stallion is owned by
Chester Stokes of Jacksonville, Florida. He was bred by Andrew
Sisk of Columbia, Tennessee, and sold as a weanling to Charles
Gleghorn of Fayetteville, Tennessee. Chester Stokes bought him
as a yearling and has owned him ever since.
Gameworld started his collection of wins in April of 2008, at
the Oak Mountain Classic in Carrollton, Georgia, where he took
home the 3 Year Old Stallions Riders Cup. He took another 3 Year
Old Stallions Riders Cup blue at the Midnight Sun Charity Horse
Show in Greenville, Florida. He entered the Celebration show
ring for the first time in 2008, where he placed 5th in the 3
Year Old Stallions Division B Class - a respectable end to a
premiere season! He decided he could do better. His 2009 show
season launched at the Billie Lane King Cotton Charity Show in
Edison, Georgia with a blue in the 4 Year Old Open Canter Class.
He did it again at the Woodbury Lions Club Show in Woodbury,
Tennessee. At the Annual South Alabama Charity Horse Show, he
won the 4 Year Old Stallions Rider's Cup. He got another 4 Year
Old Stallions Rider's Cup at the Southern Championship in Perry,
Georgia. Back to Shelbyville!
At the 2009 Celebration, Gameworld came out of the 4 Year Old
Stallions Canter Class with a Reserve World Championship. He
took one blue in 2010 at the Walkin For A Cure Show in Burkhead,
Georgia in the Walking Stake Rider's Cup Class.
2011 started out right with a Reserve Championship in the South
Alabama Charity Show Walking Stake Rider's Cup Class. He
followed that with a blue in the Billie Lane King Cotton Show
Walking Stake Rider's Cup Class. A month later he did it again
with another blue in the Columbia Spring Jubilee Walking Stake
Rider's Cup Class. Shelbyville, here we come!

Photo courtesy of
Bradley Dick
And so it came to pass. Gary Edwards and Gameworld! 2011 World
Grand Champions!
By Mind Games, out of Pushers Color My World, Gameworld's
illustrious pedigree boasts both Pride's Royal Master and The
Pusher C.G. as grand sires. His bloodlines would definitely seem
to be a recipe for 'blues'.