SIRE of Champions |
Pride of Midnight
was a noted show horse and the leading sire of his time.
Indeed the pride of Harlinsdale Farm, he produced a legacy of world
champion offspring in every division including WC Pride's Generator.
The Pride offspring were renown for being talented, easy to train,
pretty, and "fast makers". In other words, they were ready to
show quickly, most as two year olds. Pride of Midnight
was the product of WGC Midnight Sun and Pride of Stanley.
Midnight Sun was a legend in his own time as well as now. Not
only was he twice World Grand Champion, but he also earned 13 blues
at the National Celebration. He was undoubtedly one of the
most influential sires of his time and has sired countless world
died. Harlinsdale Farms
had three colts to carry on his bloodlines: PRIDE OF MIDNIGHT,
SUN'S DARK BEAM and MIDNIGHT ALLEN. They were from the last crop of
MIDNIGHT SUN colts. They decided we would not let any of them go.
The colts were broken out at Harlinsdale and then sent to Dot
Warren for finishing.
It was decided that they were all keepers.
Their judgment was vindicated; they all proved to be very
good breeding horses. When they were 4 years old, they were
put into service. PRIDE
didn't breed many mares until he was five, so they showed him the
year he was four. It
was unfortunate that PRIDE did not catch on early, but Mr. Harlin
believed in him and told people as early as 1971, "Believe me, this
horse is going to turn this industry around’.
PRIDE'S dam was owned
by Mr. Worrell at Solitude Stock Farm, but he was owned by
Harlinsdale Farms before he was registered.
PRIDE had a funny personality. He was pop-eyed and he
stood up in the cross-ties, he was a show horse from the day one.
He could do a lot when Dot Warren was riding him, but when
they decided to take him to the Celebration they brought him right
back home and left him from that day forward.

Harlinsdale Farms had
a hard time convincing folks that they
had the horse of the
future but Pride had a lot of freedom up front.
At the time, the industry didn’t have the big foot as they do
now and it took a lot get a horse's foot up. But PRIDE could
do it with a lot of ease and
he had a natural kind of snort and show horse ways.
The trouble was, a lot of trainers put him down hard.
They said you can't fix [sore] his colts - they won't take
it. Such trainers were missing the message that Harlinsdale
Farms was trying to convey which was: "We've got a horse that you
don't need to fix that way.
He does it naturally." But they had a hard time. There
were some very vicious attacks against Harlinsdale Farms and
that period. The result
was that over half of the colts PRIDE sired, were sired during the
last two years that he live.
To quote Bill Harlin,
“He was put down so hard by so many people, "You can't
fix his colts”….That is a blight on our industry as far as I am
According to the TWHBEA records, 1703
foals were registered to this legendary stallion.
In 1979, PRIDE passed away after two colic attacks. That was
the last time Bill Harlin saw his father in tears.
If you wish to print off this pedigree, click
to load a black and white copy |
----- Original Message -----
From: Maskr8ng@aol.com
To: walkerswest@walkerswest.com
Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2003 4:29 PM
Subject: Pride Of Midnight
Hey Mary Ellen,
While playing on your site today, I came across the photo of Pride
Of Midnight and Dot Warren. It brought tears to my eyes. As a
child, I spent many happy times at the Dot Warren Stables in
Spring Hill, TN, and have more than a few wonderful memories now.
Long weekends and school holidays would usually find me there,
getting to ride my own horses and some great ones belonging to
other owners.
Dot was an exceptional horseman. He truly understood horses and
what made them tick. Although he didn't get to ride but a few
World Champions, he gave several great horses the start they
needed to attain World titles.
I believe I started riding with Dot in 1972 when my family
purchased Setting Sun's Go Boy, a noted walking pony, from the
Warren family. I continued to ride and learn under Dot until his
retirement but kept a close relationship with him and his wife, Mable until his death. Many times in his later years, Dot and I
would talk on Sunday afternoon, going over a show I had made the
night before...even though the horses were then in training at
other places. Boy, I sure miss those conversations! Even though he
wasn't riding then, Dot's instincts and hard won experience were
invaluable then...and still to this day, I can hear him giving me
some tidbit of advice from a long ago conversation.
I can remember Pride as he was called when he was at Dot's barn.
There was never a prettier horse anywhere. The decision to retire
him so early may have been the show world's loss, but it was
definitely the breed's gain. Dot also started and worked a world
of Pride's colts that went on to be noted champions and producers
Mr. Wirt (W.W.) Harlin of Harlinsdale, had an awesome eye for a
good young horse and a knack for getting them to the right
trainers. He would come by Dot's barn some days to see his horses
worked, and, as Dot usually always worked the horses in a large
pasture away from the barn, Mr. Wirt would drive from the barn to
the pasture. Many days I would ride with him instead of walking.
He was a wonderful southern gentleman who always had kind things
to say to a horse crazy youngster and an encouraging word.
Wouldn't take anything now for those days!
Thanks for letting me share the memories,
Dee Dee Sale

Original Message -----
From: Allen Fleming
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2008 8:58 PM
Subject: Feedback From Walkers Website
1982 started the Pride of Midnight HF dynasty at World Grand
Champion Level. Beginning that year all the stallions who
have earned this title have him in there pedigree with the
exception of 4 horses: 1983 Ebony's Bold Courier, 1988 Doc's
High Tribute, 1989 Motown Magic, and 1998 Masquerading. All
other winners have been his son's and grandsons. 21 total with
1982 Champion Pride's Secret Threat as the lead off man and most
resent champion Santana's El Nino are included. What a
contribution for a horse that never
earned the title for himself!

If you
have a story or photos of Pride of Midnight that you would like
added to this page, please forward them to
Walkers West.
Last Updated:
December 24, 2019 |